The modron tavern (session 31 or 44) by Caja | World Anvil

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Wed 3rd Jan 2024 12:27

The modron tavern (session 31 or 44)

by Caja

Dear Nori,
Life has taken an unexpected turn. I told you we were going to the modron tavern, right? It wasn't as bad as I expected, although I still think modrons don't eat or drink. I think the reason the tavern wasn't too bad is because the keep was a tabaxi, and she prefers to serve things that actually taste nice. Unlike the modron-brewn beer, which was kinda bland. The tavern was really well organised, by the way. All the chairs were perfectly placed by the tables and do on, in real modron style. The floor was made of modrons (as is the floor outside of the tavern) which is probably how they keep the outpost from falling in the lava.
Anyway, that's not what I was going to tell you. You see, when we walked in the tavern there were a lot of different people sitting there. Like a group of cambions, some imps, some humanoids and an arcanaloth relaxing with a mezzoloth. It took me about 3 seconds to realise this was the same arcanaloth who stole my dragon-sword. I probably shouldn't have done this, but considering I could still see my property hanging on his hip, I went in a straight line to him, demanding my sword back. The arcanaloth (he wanted me to call him precious, but there is no way in hell I'm gonna do that) made it clear the modrons won't like it if we use violence, which I wasn't going to do. We had a conversation. He's dealing in secrets, and offered to send us back to Faerûn if he could have a conversation with the shield. We could even stay in the corner. I made it pretty clear that we meant to go to hell. I should have let Fenrir talk to him, he's better with words and would have gotten my sword back so much faster (although I did succeed eventually).
At that point a BIG devil stepped into the tavern, calling out to Ron, Fenrir and me. The arcanaloth decided it was time to go while the tavernkeep tried her best to keep the peace. Apparently we are fugitives. From Lucille. It's an honest mistake, really. We thought we didn't have to join her ranks. Anyway, Ron panicked, cast a spell, and disappeared. I don't think he meant to disappear. He hasn’t done anything like that before, and I don’t think he was invisible. I think the magic went wrong (like what happens to you sometimes). I hope he's okay. Fenrir kinda wanted to run, but I just surrendered. I’m not sure if it was the right thing to do, but I’m pretty sure the devil is faster than we are. Anyway, after we surrendered the orthan (as the devil is called) was pretty nice. We were even allowed to finish our drinks. We talked a little bit, and were brought to his warmachine. We spent pretty much the whole day travelling and are almost there. I really hope Fenrir can explain to Lucille it was an honest mistake. I mean, considering we just came along with the orthan kinda proves it, right? Hopefully we only have to join the army for a short time.
During the long ride I couldn't help wondering what Leo is doing. I mean, his money must be gone by now, so he’s probably working for Mad Maggie. Maybe he’s friends with the kenku now. Who knows, he might have made a new friend. how about a tiefling, since the tiefling that made music at Fort Knucklebones wasn’t there last time, so she probably fulfilled her debt. She can probably use some friends, considering she’s in hell and all.
Anyway, the thing is, I don’t think Leo would be good at the kenkus work. He’s more about fire and nature, and less about machines. Maybe Maggie will think of something different for him to do. Like… I don’t know, a heist maybe? He’s good at sneaking! Yes. Let’s say he has to do a heist at a casino. Which sounds like fun. He will probably bring his new tiefling friend. Probably a whole new crew. A heist can’t be easy. It would be funny if Ron accidentally teleported and has to help. Maybe Lulu won’t join. She’s not really into the whole breaking the law thing, although I’m pretty sure she will forgive them anyway.
It would be funny, wouldn’t it? Can you imagne this being true?. I mean, how many casino’s does hell have? Leo is probably just maintaining a garden, growing herbs or tomatoes or something. Or worry we get into all kinds of trouble (which we kinda did, to be honest). I wonder if someone would tell him what happened to us. Let’s hope Ron can reach him before getting caught himself. Or that we can convince Lucille to let us go. I really hope for the last one. If Leo has to rescue us we’ll never hear the end of it.
Stay safe out there,
Your loving sister,