Wandering the maze (session 14 or 27) by Caja | World Anvil

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Tue 30th May 2023 08:47

Wandering the maze (session 14 or 27)

by Caja

Dear Nori,
I feel like a lot has happened in very little time. It has been 2 days since I left the marketplace. In those days we've cleared out undead at the Unity square, met 3 (or 4 if you count the bandits at Symbrils house) new groups of survivors, had a conversation with a demon, secured High Hall and got send on a quest as a group of adventurers. I wonder how mom and dad would feel about that. Their daughter becoming an adventurer instead of a hellrider. Would they like that better or worse than a mercenary? I guess they wanted me to be happy. Both of us. Now I think about it, I never asked if you are happy with your life. I always assumed you were, considering you have magic and are a hellrider and seem perfect. But the one thing I've learned in Avernus (technically speaking, I've learned a couple of things, but that isn't where I was going with this) is that not everything is what it seems. Once we get out of this mess, I want you to be happy. Even if that means I never see you again.
Anyway, despite the nice safe feeling the maze gives us, we needed to leave it again to find Thorms helmet. We figured traveling through the maze would be safer than above ground, and after Ron got some directions from a shady guy with an appetite for magic mushrooms, we went on our way. I'm not sure if the shady guy is bad at giving directions, or Ron is bad at following them, but we got kinda lost. I tried to be subtle while helping him (I think I'm the only one who noticed we walked past the same rock formation multiple times) but we still ended up at the chasm. At that moment we realized we weren't alone. You see, in the maze are a couple of deep holes to nowhere and something came floating out of it. It kinda looked like a beholder, but not quite. It gave us visions, of what I assume happened to it (caught by mind-flayers, tortured and experimented on, transported to hell, hunted down and eventually it started to hunt humanoids), and then it attacked us. It paralyzed Ron and Bertha before grabbing me and making it's way to the whole it came from. It was, by far, the worst experience I ever had. I hate being the damsel in distress (thank god neither Bertha or the guys saw the link. Or maybe they did see it but didn't say anything about it), the beholder thing itself was nasty and it made me fight with my brain instead of my fists. I was incredible lucky to get out of its grasp and even more so to jump into Fenrirs arms instead of the hole. I don't praise Thymora a lot (unlike my Scornubel friends) but I truly feel like Lady Luck was helping me escape the monster.
After I was freed from the beholder things tentacles it "spoke" to us again. If we would stop attacking it, it would stop as well. After we agreed it went back into the hole. I'm not sure if we did the right thing here. It probably started hunting again right after we left. Hopefully no one else will wonder this deep into the maze.
It took some time, but eventually we found the apothecary. It was a mess, and there was not a lot of stuff to find except for some minor alchemical components, some old (when I say old I mean OLD. The were probably made before Leo) potions and some of the darkest stones I have ever seen. They are so black you can't even see their shape. Ron said I can use one for a necklace.
I hope you're safe.
Stay strong,
Your loving sister,