The search for the helmet (session 17 or 30) by Caja | World Anvil

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Sun 18th Jun 2023 07:59

The search for the helmet (session 17 or 30)

by Caja

Dear Nori,
I hope you’re doing well. Or at least better than we’re doing.
Yesterday night (was it night? Without the sun I have a hard time telling day and night apart) everything was still fine. I mean, Fenrir had an almost dead experience (which he denies by the way. I wonder if he really doesn't know or just wants to forget it ever happened. Maybe he isn't ready to face his mortality yet. Which would be understandable considering his age, if his uncle who raised him wasn't the grave cleric everyone knows) but he still made holy water and hollowed the ground just fine. Gideon sent two corpses back to their grave after Fenrir finished, which is kinda weird since they are still undead and just lay there with their eyes open. At least they're home, I guess. Gideon also explained to us that he isn't a necromancer, like I wrote before, but the dead rose because of the Companion (like all over Elturel) and he found some docile ones who now guard the sacred ground. Which seems like a good deal.
Anyway, we could use some sleep after the fight. Gideon doesn't have the space to house us all, so we camped outside. It wasn't as nice in the maze, but still a good rest.
The next morning we went into the chapel to find Thorms helmet. We went in through the family room but we didn’t see the spirits that were hiding in there. They attacked us when we passed them, but they proved to not be too much of a problem. They did snack on Fenrirs and Bertha's strength before we kicked their asses though. Fenrir did actually seem less strong. I wanted to lend him my gloves of ogre power (I don’t think I ever told you, but I got them in Scornubell after my first mission. They kinda symbolize me being good enough for the company so they mean a lot to me. It is kinda a big deal I trust Fenrir enough to borrow them. I could have lent them to Bertha as well, but she doesn’t really need the extra strength they give.) but after we took a breather, he seemed like his old self again, so it wasn’t necessary. Bertha and Gideon also seemed better. Gideon had kinda lost his connection to the Weave this morning, and I was kinda afraid it meant he lost his connection to God. Thank Kelemvor that wasn’t the case.
Before going into the tombs, I wanted to pay respect to the gods the chapel is dedicated to. Gideon and Ron joined me while the others waited at the entry to the tombs. I think the chapel used to be beautiful, but the descent put it into ruins. Of the four stained glass windows only one was still intact (it displayed Thorm blessing a hero). Not that we had time to enjoy it, since we got attacked by skeletal minotaurs when we entered the room. I called for help and the skeletons were destroyed in no time. Somewhere, I feel like we wasted our energy on them, but at least they couldn’t sneak up on us and attack us from the back.
After that fight everyone watched me paying my respects. Which made me kinda nervous. I dropped one of the candles and almost set the altar on fire. It was a kind of a shitshow, although it could have been worse. Then I tried to move Fenrir to pray as well. I thought he wanted to prove to his uncle he is dedicated to Thorm and will be able to use the helmet. But he “ didn't feel very religious” so he didn’t. Honestly, I’m starting to doubt how devoted he really is. Which might be a problem once we have the helmet.
After paying my respect we went down into the tombs. The tombs are big and confusing, but we had Gideon to show us the way. He knew exactly where we needed to go. Or were supposed to go. When we arrived at the supposed place there was no helmet to be seen. Gideon, who hadn’t been there since before the descent, seemed a little panicky, and rushed us to the other room. Hopefully the helmet is there. I don't really understand how he would confuse the rooms (he is the one person I expect to know every inch of the graveyard and tombs after all), but he was sure the helmet was there when he went down last time.
Stay safe, stay strong, and may the gods look over you.
Your loving sister,