Back at fort Knucklebone (session 27 or 40) by Caja | World Anvil

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Sat 21st Oct 2023 12:08

Back at fort Knucklebone (session 27 or 40)

by Caja

Dear Nori,
I feel like it has been a long time since my last letter, but it has only been a few days. I guess I feel like it took so long because there didn’t happen that much, and boredom makes time move slowly.
Anyway, I ended my last letter with the note we weren’t sure how to get back. Everyone wanted to try to steer the ship. I still wasn’t a big fan, and tried to convince them it would be dangerous and we probably wouldn’t be able to communicate with the elemental and so on. But the others weren’t having any of it. So we went back to the upper deck, me carrying the poor crazy woman, since we found some notes that said she could bind the elemental to the ship. Ron released the elemental from the iron flask, and attacked Ron right away. Fortunately I was close to the steering wheel with the crazy lady, and once I pushed her hands on the wheel the elemental became dormant. Ron tried to command it, but it wouldn’t listen to him. Then Leo realised he had the control-elemental-crystal. So he commanded it just fine. We got the ship back in the water and sailed for a bit, until we realised we had to go to fort Knucklebone, which isn’t located near the water. So we ‘docked’ the ship and went back on land again. We spent an hour or so looking for the arcanaloth (considering it fled it must have been hurt pretty bad, so we better fight it today than tomorrow when it has its magic back) but we couldn’t find it. So we drove for an hour or 2 (so the arcanaloth wouldn’t be able to find and attack us at night) and took a rest. Nothing interesting happened on the way back.
Wait, that’s not true. Bertha has been very interested in the Kenku. In the same way a housecat is interested in garden birds. She knows she shouldn’t attack them (and doesn’t) but I think the Kenku don’t like this kind of attention. So I told Clunk he should take some feathers and make a toy out of it for her. You know, so her play-with-the-birds-instinct is calmed down a bit. Clunk thought that was a good idea and when Chugga slept he pulled out some feathers from him. They fought for a bit, calling each other names with imp and redcap voices (which was hilarious) and eventually made up and hugged each other.
Anyway, that was all that happened. Back at fort Knucklebone the Kenku told us about Lulu, who had lived with their grandparents(?) for a bit after Zariel lost the battle. Yet somehow she got lost again. The kenku didn’t know much else, or weren't able to tell us. So they redirected us to Mad Maggie. Fenrir got his eye back, although it took some convincing for her to put it back in his eye socket. Then we asked her to restore Lulu’s memory, but she can’t. Or at least, not directly. But she has a machine which would allow us to enter Lulu’s memories, and find the information we need there. But the machine doesn’t work yet, so now we need to get 4 parts for her. We need an Nirvanan Cog Box, which we should be able to find at an (other) beached ship guarded by Modrons. Secondly we need a Hearthstone, which is found by (or maybe in?) hags. Mad Maggie suggested we should kill her sister Red Ruth (who killed their other sister, Gaunt Gella) and frequents the travelling emporium. Then we need Flagatosian Sand which is some kind of obsidian sand. But Mad Maggie doesn’t know where to find it. Lastly, we need to find a set of Astral pistons, which can be found in old warmachines. Mad Maggie has 2 leads on who in Avernus still has these old war machines: Odrak the tinkerer who sets shop in the gigantic helmet in the planes of fire and Oni Melarganen who works for the forge master of Colosea, a local warlord. After hearing what we need to get we had a bit of a discussion about the pay (I say we, but it was mostly me. The others don’t quite realise yet nothing in hell is free. We shouldn’t just do stuff for anyone here) and eventually Mad Maggie agreed to restore the sight to Fenrirs eye (which is ridiculous if you think about it. The only reason he couldn’t see with it is because she cut it out in the first place), the bikes (which she was gonna give to us as a gift anyway) and enough rations for the mission. Then Mad Maggie invited us for a drink. We got to the bar and got proper shit-faced. Well, most of us anyway. Bertha doesn't drink, but Ron did decide to celebrate his comeback. Even Lulu joined. Fenrir passed out way faster than expected. I'm still kinda pissed I got beaten by Leo although I'm not surprised Ron got the better of me. I'm not sure how we got to the sleeping quarters, although I assume Bertha has something to do with it.
When everybody was hungover but awake again, we noticed something had happened to Fenrir in his sleep. His arms and legs switched places! I wonder if it had something to do with the booze, but Ron, Berta and Leo concluded it was a late side effect of the demon liquor he drank in Elturel. After some investigation they concluded we need a remove curse spell to fix him. So we went to the marketplace. Again. Technically speaking, we needed to go there anyway, since Leo resurrected Berta after the arcanaloth fight and we needed more diamonds. We bought diamonds and the spell scroll from some guy named Mordenkainen and sold some stuff we never used anyway. I asked if he had the stuff we need for Mad Maggie, which he does at his tower, which happens to be in Avernus as well (lucky us). We made an appointment to meet him at his tower in two weeks. I'm not sure how we're gonna pay him, since we're kinda broke right now. But not so broke we couldn't buy anything at the market anymore. We had enough money left to buy some candy from a candy witch (she even looked like candy). It is magical too, so this is gonna be fun.
Right now we have to wait ‘till tomorrow so Ron can break Fenrirs curse and then we'll get going. He will also try to break the curse of the captain of the elemental ship, hoping she will regain her wits. Yes, we brought her with us. This letter is a pretty good example of our relationship with her, considering I forgot about her until now. Leo thinks we should set her free, but I'm pretty sure that will kill her. We might need her later. There's definitely something going on with Leo. I can't quite put my finger on it, although I've heard him say a couple of things that don't seem right. Maybe it's because he's disconnected from nature for so long?
Anyway, I'm going to ask Natasha if she's got some work for me. The bar probably has some leads on that. It probably won't be much, but we do really need money.
I hope you're relatively safe.
Stay strong,
Your loving sister,