Working for Natasha and towards Bazelstein (session 28&29 or 41&42) by Caja | World Anvil

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Thu 30th Nov 2023 05:57

Working for Natasha and towards Bazelstein (session 28&29 or 41&42)

by Caja

Dear Nori,
Quite a lot of interesting things have happened since my last letter. I think I ended it with the notion that we had to break Fenrirs curse. We had already bought the spell scroll and everything, but Ron still needed time to prepare it. So while we we’re thinking about our next move, a redcap came past us. We had a conversation with it, and it tried to get us to “prank” Mickey. Which sounded innocent enough, so we didn’t trust it. After a lot of talk we figured out he wanted to take one of Mickey's fingers. So we denied his request. We went back to the bar to ask Natasha for work, but before we could do that Mad Maggie came in and told Natasha to give Fenrir some of her Lugarian Brew, which turned his arms and legs back to their proper place. We told Mickey about the redcaps’ masterplan, but he already knew about it.
Ron and Bertha would visit the kenku to learn as much about the bikes as possible while Fenrir and me asked Natasha about doing a job for her. She told us her supply-runs are at night (like there is a proper night at hell). So I convinced Fenrir we could sleep right now, and work at night. I mean, we only made 25 gold, which is barely anything, but then again, the job wasn’t too hard. Although we did have to promise we wouldn’t run away. Which seemed odd to me, but that made it easier to promise. (Then again, with my track record, it is kinda a thing. Maybe she has a point.) Natasha opened a portal to another realm called Barovia. Barovia is a really dark place, but luckily the supplies were already in a cart and relatively close by. Fenrir and I brought it in, but then Natasha told us we were missing a crate. So we went back to look for it. I thought I saw something a bit off the path. So I went there to find it. It wasn’t a crate though. It was a really big ass wolf. With a lot of friends. They bit me a lot, but not so much that I couldn't handle it. However one bite did turn into a very nasty wound within a day. Anyway, we ran back through the portal and got back to the safety of Fort Knucklebone and left the wolves behind us.
Meanwhile the kenku had upgraded our bikes, so when Fenrir and me came back, we left, on our way to the Modron ship. However, on our way there we got attacked by a couple of humanoid beasts on warmachines. Well, they had two bikes like we have, and a bigger machine with 4 wheels. I kinda want the bigger machine. We all made some really cool moves while fighting them (it's hard to imagine we had never ridden these machines until a few days ago) and we were clearly the stronger party. So they used demon-iquor to speed up their machines and ran. It's unfortunate we didn't know you could use it like that, since Ron sold all the demon-iquor he had just a few days ago. Fenrir did seem to like the stuff (as a drink), so maybe he still has some?
After the not very satisfying fight we decided we would go to Bazelstein, since we will pass his house anyway and he might have some old war machine parts we need. But not before Ron bothered me about the wolf wound. I mean, it did look quite nasty and weirdly enough kinda hairy, but Ron isn't a healer. Is he? He did cast some magic on it (weirdly enough it does look a bit better) before we moved on. When we passed “dad's tower” we noticed there was a lot more activity than the previous time. There was a ship(?) being loaded and a lot of steam came out of it. First I thought it was Styx water turned into steam, but then I looked at our bikes and realized it was a burned soul coin. The steam from the ship had a LOT of faces in it, but that’s probably because it uses a lot of soul coins. I mean, it’s hard to describe how big it actually is. It must use a lot of fuel.
Anyway, Fenrir and me kinda wanted to re-enter the tower, finding out what the ship and the devils training actually meant. Ron and Bertha on the other hand really didn’t want to. And Fenrir and me kinda agreed it would probably be better to just let them be. So we continued to Bazelsteins house. When we got there, we couldn’t find him and concluded he must have been at the fort as well. Which gave us some time to investigate Bazelsteins house. Although, now we’ve seen it, I don’t actually think it’s Bazelsteins house. It is too small, everything is human-sized (instead of horned devil size) and the dust covered everything. Ron did really like the table though, “ a true masterpiece made of unique wood.” Sometimes I kinda wish I was more into woodwork. I don’t understand how Ron gets this excited about it. When we discussed whether to wait or to continue our journey, an imp appeared, claiming it works for the big boss, it would get a promotion for finding us and disappeared again. We weren't willing to meet the big boss, and tried to flee to our bikes. But we were too late, considering a big blue horned devil flew towards us, with Bazelstein and the rest of her army, on her heels.
I'm not sure what to do Nori. I'm pretty sure this devil is a lot stronger than we are.
I hope you are safe. And that I get to write you more letters after this one. Pray this devil has a good mood.
Your loving sister,