Tarot and Treachery by Faestina | World Anvil

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Thu 14th May 2020 08:54

Tarot and Treachery

by Faestina Gladdenstone

I continue to document my time in Mulmaster to relay to Davdon upon my return and there is one thing I am certain of: I have become much more adept at writing on the move!
We landed in Troglav Square rather unceremoniously and before we could even thank him, Kaleed disappeared!
As we made to leave, Scodrun suddenly darted away from the group -- I’m still not sure why -- and with citywatch and guard dogs abound we tried to slip from sight. In doing so we came across a fascinating new friend. Her skin is the colour of periwinkle and she has the most magnificent ram-like horns. Her name is Bree, and she has a gentle and receptive way about her. I would’ve liked to have spoken with her more, but with angry eyes on the search for us, we had to move quickly.
Whilst we fled, we came across a place of shelter, a curious fortune teller’s shop. The woman, Radinka, had a greed about her that made me uncomfortable. The glint in her eye at the mention of gold affected me, made me more bold than I ought to have been. When she was unkind to Bree I withheld what little money I have… Perhaps my doing this spurned her later actions.
Regardless of my mistrust she read our fortune and showed us five symbols:
Donjon (Dungeon)
She related them to potential links in our recent activities but the vagaries with which she spoke made me unsure of their validity. But I must put my judgments aside, if there is truth to what she said then one of the cards concerns me: the dungeon.
I cannot let my friends’ fate end in the sunless depths of Mulmaster dungeons, I must do everything I can to ensure that when they die that it is not a sad or frightened place.
My meditations went by, coloured with a fear that silently builds in me, one that I cannot let take hold… But upon discovering that Radinka had fled with our gold and reported us to the authorities an unbecoming terror took root in me. Whilst the level-headed and calm began to escape through the back passage I thought to burn her home.
I don’t--can’t understand why I went to do this, I’ve never had feelings like this before, and in my moment of panic I turned to Evan for his council. Both he and Allie talked me down… and I still feel a horrible guilt weighing my down for putting them in that situation. I hope that they forget that conversation, they were tired (just woken from sleep) so my wish is that they chalk up the conversation to a nightmare…
We let the more fatigued find rest in a quiet, little warehouse for a short time as Krist and I kept watch.
Recovered, and passer-by deterred by Krist’s remarkable acting prowess, we left to continue our search for clues… But as we left, Bree and I spotted evidence of a fall (or lift?) past a snapped clothesline. Moments later dear Evan spied a rat scuttling down the drain with an important-looking ring.
There was much deliberation on what to do, but in the end I volunteered myself to go down into the drain as a rat.
I rather adore rats, clever, social little critters. Very soft with a funny tail like a flexing tree branch.
But when I came across the thieving rat it was with its pack. Normally this is no bother, they’re not nasty creatures by nature, but when I tried to retrieve the ring they became terribly vicious. Aberrantly so!
Is this what Davdon meant when he spoke of city life?
I’m glad I found such kind folk on my first evening here, but I worry as we continue to move, on the run from the law; hair painted fox-red and my friends disguising themselves, what match are we when we are so grossly outnumbered?