The Lost Moon Temple by Faestina | World Anvil

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Mon 20th Jul 2020 11:18

The Lost Moon Temple

by Faestina Gladdenstone

A moment of respite outside of the Moon Water Temple, just enough for me to scribble down what brought us here.
I think of everything that happened up until this point: consoling Cala, offering to see her in the future and the warm embrace I shared with her… But that all seems to pale in comparison to my poor choices.
Poor Sandy… If I had not spoken to him, encouraged him to join us, he would still be alive.
He was an innocent creature that I lured to his doom. Was it the same with the Owlbears? Had I just… not been there, would they have survived?
I feel like I’m failing Her, in every choice I make. Would she be disappointed in me, in my decisions, how each of them lead to death. And whilst I understand that death is the shadow of life, how can I bring Her healing wisdom when each choice I make leads to an early end.
Dad, would you be disappointed in me?
I was so useless to my friends when it happened. I couldn’t think of combat and whilst everyone did their part, I was searching vainly for poor Sandy. Just… pieces of him remained. So horrible.
I hardly even noticed that Krist had picked me up and took me to safety until he spoke to me.
What a mess, both literally and figuratively… I promised myself I’d be strong but all I could do was sit there and weep in his arms. What a feeble Druid I must be. I didn’t want to cause him more reason to worry, I see him trying so hard to care for the group and what a burden that must be. I wanted to be a support, not further strain.
I was so close to breaking down when he asked me if I was all right, I suppose as luck would have it, Skodrun snapped me out of my sadness. I’m sure that’s a good thing. Krist already has a lot on his mind.
Funny how he wiped away my tears with cloth and not with magic… almost as though he remembered my comment about my preference for cleaning myself physically and not preternaturally.
When he put me down it wasn’t long before we came across another creature: a Shambling Mound. A horrid thing that nearly ended up eating him. What a terrible place this is that we’ve found ourselves in. Pulling Krist from the vines I was petrified… I hope he didn’t see that in my face.
We fled from some curious ooze-like creatures, our attacks ineffective against them, and found our way to the temple. I felt Bree’s concern in leaving these beasts, how I wanted to console her, to confide in her that I understand her desire to do good… but perhaps I push myself on her too much.
A quiet moment together speaking of frog-tracking was… nice. For a moment, I thought I was away from danger and back home. I’m sure Dad would love to speak with Bree about her hunting ways, it seems that she is gifted in that art.
Upon arrival Bree, Krist and Skodrun proceeded into the temple but Allie did not.
I could sense her frustration at the situation and, despite my desire to enter the temple, my longing to be with her was stronger.
She sees the world from a lens of logic and practicality, yet the view is softened by her kind heart. Something she insists she does not possess one but I am certain it is there.
I posed my desire to come to this forest and begrudgingly she came along and I am so thankful for that. I can sense she is concerned for our safety and she, in her level-headedness, is the one who has kept us safe on many an occasion. I wish I had the words to thank her…
But, I must stop writing now, it seems Skodrun has shot one of the little Grungs...