Summer Frost by Faestina | World Anvil

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Wed 29th Jul 2020 08:01

Summer Frost

by Faestina Gladdenstone

How today escalated!
Things started off quietly in the belly of the broken pirate ship. Allie and Skodrun popped outside to observe the storm (but not until I embarrassed myself trying to make something up to get Skodrun out of trouble, thank goodness Krist was there - he has such a way with words!). Whilst they observed I eavesdropped on Bree’s conversation with Buttercup.
As much as I try not to be wary of Buttercup, I can’t see past how easily she manipulated Krist. Her docile and sympathetic attitude now does not tie in with that. As far as I see it, there’s something else there, lying under the surface… The glass-like surface of mangroves under which a cunning, carnivore bides its time.
One point alarmed me, whether said in jest or not, Buttercup hinted at a period of solitude of 100,000 years. Anything that could regale an age such as that is not to be trifled with.
So, once the storm had cleared, we decided to pursue its heart without her (thankfully).
As we walked the sodden mud gave way to crystal snow.
I know, I know… I ought to have been disturbed, perhaps even affronted, by such magicks. But at its purest (not soiled with footprints or the like) it was lovely, iridescent like Allie’s hair. How it caught the light through the trees… Lovely!
I wanted to eat some of it but thought that… probably would’ve come across as a little strange. That is strange, isn’t it?
Regardless, I was not the only one to enjoy the snow. Bree and Krist had a little snowball fight which was just darling to watch! Two big children!
Well, which is to say they’re larger than children, not… preternaturally big. They’re both lovely sizes.
Bree’s aim was so true I think I saw her knock the wind out of Krist - I had to bite my lip so as to not laugh. Not at his defeat so much as my own shock. Bree is so dear and sweet, to see such a perfect aim… I think she’s been keeping a keen eye on Skodrun’s archery skills!
So, those boys being their silly, sweet selves ended up playing further. Skodrun deftly walking in the snow on his hands so as not to spoil those boots he adores so, Krist holding up his legs (Skodrun’s lucky he doesn’t wear a dress).
On which note, by this time I was frozen to the bone. Thank goodness I wear the armour and boots I do or else I would’ve been an icicle after the first snowball had been lobbed. And me, unable to really hide how I feel about anything it seems, must’ve looked cold. Darling Bree came over and warmed me up.
Her touch was like a softly crackling fire on a midwinter’s eve. I’m enchanted by her at this point, it’s all I can do not to walk clinging to her like I used to cling to Dad’s leg as a babe.
We held hands, walked and talked for a spell.
Conversation ebbed from light to more substantial. We spoke of our feelings and somehow… I became frail and emotional about her and our companions. She noted how I judge others and myself, she with no preconceptions about my emotions. She said that I… was perhaps unfair on myself from time to time and that if roles were reversed I would defend myself from my own criticisms.
I had never thought of things that way, it gave me a lot to think on during the walk but also a great deal to feel grateful for. I’m still at a loss as to how I managed to find myself with four of the sweetest souls in Faerun.
But I digress, we came across a mirror image of the Moon Temple, this time much more ethereal in the snow. Similar runes and markings about, but no Grungs (to my sadness).
As the portal began to close, Bree, Coco and Skodrun (Coco, what a dear little kitten!) went to investigate. They returned to tell us that inside there had been a mountain range, which through deduction I know now to be the Aasarian Mountains.
Before we had a moment to discuss these findings we heard a man and creature in distress. Bree and Skodrun, of noble and fair heart, decided we must immediately go to their aid and we all followed.
At crossing a frozen lake we spotted the unsettling black ooze from the forest. Curious and hungry thing. I tried to distract it by casting loose snow into away from my dearest ones as Krist effortlessly threw them across one by one.
What a bother.
I went to him, saying I could most certainly cross on my own (I imagine he must’ve seen straight through such a blatant lie) and out-smarted me saying that throwing me would decrease the risk - which is true… Had I not been eating so much recently, I must have put on weight! Which is all well and good, apart from when someone needs to throw me. How very awkward! Allie and Bree are much lighter in frame than I… But is Skodrun too? Goodness me, he must’ve strained something in the throw as he nearly fell through the ice immediately afterwards.
Perhaps I ought to half my portions?
Oh dear, the pragmatist in me knows that’s an unlikely future.
Regardless of my self-indulgent narcissism! We came across a great, terrifying beast (like an ape, but with four arms over two!). It was attacking some poor knight-like gentleman who we later rescued from this beast and two… curious and unsettling creatures. Not great in strength like the ape but deft with manipulative magicks, I felt waves of them wash over me (probably due to my somewhat suspicious nature) but poor Krist and Skodrun were affected: one fleeing in a moment of terror, the other casting aside his beloved weapon as if red hot.
In the end, we triumphed, and spoke with the armoured fellow.
Well, I did not speak with him, he conversed mainly with Allie with whom he had an unsettlingly fascination with.
Ah but Allie, dear Allie, would have none of his fawning and she dismissed him readily. Now we are to decide what our next step is to take, but first I ought to see to Skodrun.