From Russia with Love? by Jerry | World Anvil

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Sun 6th Feb 2022 04:41

From Russia with Love?

by Jerry J. Vahn

So, we leave the Safehouse and walk out of town. We change back into our 'super' id's. Sandcrab and I figure out where we are going. He seems to break apart into small tiny pieces and disappears. I pick up Lyzen and Lilianna and I head out.
I really need to figure out a better way of doing his. It has to be very uncomfortable for my 'passengers'. Well, not for long anyway.
A couple of seconds later, we see a couple of helicopters and several tanks moving into the area that Socratics gave us that he was pretty sure the Prince and Princess were. I drop the two ladies off and make my way into town.
Before I left, Lilianna asked "What are we supposed to do about TANKS?" I gave her some flippant answer along the lines of "we'll figure it out" or something like that. That really was a good question, and I really don't have an idea of what to do about a tank. Lyzen seemed to be confident that she could handle them, so off I went.
I ran down towards where all the action was. Several troops on the ground with guns, so, well, what's the best way to keep someone from shooting you? Take away their guns. So that is what I did, until something shot me. I'm still not completly sure what hit me, but it blew me across the street from where I was. As I was rolling to a stop and getting back on my feet, I noticed that one of the tanks seemed to be targeting me. Ok, now this is interesting. A tank shooting at a 3 foot tall running man.
The machine guns blaze and blow me down the street, then another tank drops mortars on me. I guess I designed the magnetic infused fabric did it's job. It hurt like the dickens, but I survived being hit by a tank mortar shell, or maybe it was a couple of them, I don't know. My head was ringing.
I went back on the offensive while Sandcrab was looking for the Prince and Princess, our primary targets to save. Lilianna and Lyzen were working to stop the helicopters and slow down the tanks. I ran up the closest tank and tried to take apart the weapons turret. There just wasn't enough external areas for me to disassemble to do any good. I felt another tank start to take aim at me. While I took the earlier hits from a tank, I didn't want to chance it again, so I dropped underneath the tank.
What to do, what to do.... Wait, didn't some of the old guard of heroes that could move quickly were able to vibrate and 'pass' through things. I began to quickly study the magnetic fields of the area and work on meshing my magnetics with those of the tank.
OH YEA! I did it! I passed through the bottom of the tank and was inside. WHOO HOO!!!
Ok, now what? I moved over two the two in the tank and took a couple of swings at them. Those darn helmets protected them.
They SHOT me! How dare they! So, it's a good thing that I'm small, but man the inside of a tank is small. I begin to move, and the static charge builds back up and I throw lighting at the two of them, knocking them both out.
Quickly I get out of the tank and run over to one of the soldiers that had kept his gun. I ran up and over him snapping my fingers at him to get his attention. Wow! That was louder than I expected, so I did it again and he fell down.
It seems that Sandcrab had found the Prince and Princess and their security detail. He came back above ground and between him, Lyzen, and Lilianna took out the helicopters and the other tanks.
We quickly finished off the other soldiers. The Prince and Princess and their people got on the bus and headed out of town.
Hopefully, they can find a safe place to hide.
I grabbed Lyzen and Lilianna and headed back to homestead. See you there Sandcrab!