My First Rescue Mission by Jerry | World Anvil

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Wed 8th Sep 2021 02:41

My First Rescue Mission

by Jerry J. Vahn

Luo Jian got a call from someone that he had worked with on his next book. He said that the call was strange. The person that he was talking to was a careful speaker, but this time he was very chatty and 'happy'. Luo said that there was a pause in the conversation, and his contact said that 'I am not me'. Luo asked us to see if we could 'rescue' his friend.
Well, off we went. There were a lot of guards out and about in the Chinatown area. Strange, but not really since there had been so many thefts of sacred items.
I may have made a mistake. You know the old saying, Fools Rush In. Well, there was this weird energy source at the end of the street near where our rescue target was. I ran past it on the side of the building to be out of site of the guards.
I must have made the energy mad or something, because three floating guns popped up out of the crackling energy. Well, I couldn't let that stand, so I ran over and punched the middle one. There was some sort of energy protecting the gun, It hurt a bit, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. The gun went flying towards where Sandcrab was hiding underground. I don't know how he stands being underground all the time, it would just freak me out.
Anyway, the gun exploded on Sandcrab. It had to have really hurt, he screamed. I have never heard him make that sound before. It was a big explosion though.
The other two guns were handled by the others. I was getting ready to head up to the apartment, when this big robot thing appeared out of the energy. Oh, not good...
Wait, did it say that is downloaded it's orders from Destroyer? Oh, not good at all..... What can I do, what.... I got it, lets see if I can take it apart. Yea, that's the ticket. I run over to start disassemble it.
Well, that didn't work. It was but wasn't there. My hands just passed through it. Well, nothing to do here folks, so I turned and started moving towards the building and up the stairs to the apartment.
By the time I get there, Sandcrab has jumped up through the window and tossed our target out of the window. XO caught him and passed him off to Ghost. A good idea, as she is almost as fast as me. Off she went with Luo's friend. The robot started following Ghost, but couldn't keep up. Well, that is good to know, I should be able to out run one if it comes after me.
The rest of us head out in different directions, just in case there was some way of tracking us.
Overall, I think, we were successful in what we did. I guess we'll find out in the long run.
hee hee... Long Run.....