Overkill by Jerry | World Anvil

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Thu 17th Feb 2022 05:19


by Jerry J. Vahn

Things were going fairly well in Nebraska. Between Ghost, Sandcrab, and I we had taken down 4 of the Black Talon agents when the two destroids arrived.
Not too bad, we had protected many of the resistance fighters up to this point. I really hope that the officer will be ok. Those Talon agents fire on anything, not worrying about collateral damage, and we are called Terrorists....
Anyway, I run up the support pole to the roof top of the gas station. I just about knock the Black Talon out but the other one takes a double pot shot at me.
I fall unconscious. I don't know how long I'm asleep, but I wake up underground. I appreciate Sandcrab saving my life, but did he have to put me in the ground! Waking up in a dark confined space is probably one of my greatest fears. I absolutely lose it, screaming both in my mind and out. I hope that it didn't go across the link to the others.
Sandcrab slaps me lightly enough to help me calm down, of course it was after he pulled me into the building in the gas station. A couple of deep breaths later, and I was feeling better.
About this time, Ghost lets us know that there are two supers that arrive through a gate opened by one of the destroids. I was just getting ready to go back out and try to take out either the destroids or one of the other's that showed up.
Lyzen breaks in over the coms and lets us know that they are being overwhelmed in Thunder Bay. We quickly put together an exit strategy. Load the civilians on the bus, let Ghost pick it up and carry them out of harm's way.
We all load the bus, and I plop the gas attendant in the driver's seat. "When the bus is put back on the ground, you are going to be going about 100 mph. Goose it now then let off the gas. Keep the changes to a minimum. NO BRAKES at first!" I hope he understood me. I might have spoken pretty quickly. I jump off the bus just before Ghost takes off with it and slow myself down enough to keep up with Ghost and the bus.
I grab Sandcrab and after Ghost drops the bus, I grab her. The driver seems to keep the bus straight as it lands. It begins to slow down so then I kick it into high gear and head back to the ship in Thunder Bay.