I Need To Talk About Jim by Aerilyn | World Anvil

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Fri 28th May 2021 10:00

I Need To Talk About Jim

by Aerilyn Faeyth

I may have made one of the worst mistakes of my life today. I am not coping with it well so I figured writing my feelings/journaling may be helpful. I was extremely selfish and it led to my first murder.
In the morning (or whatever it was) my new friends and I grabbed breakfast in the tavern. That is where I met him. Jim is/was a waiter. I made a flippant comment towards him and seemed to offend him. I found out goblins do not have a sense of time and I thought that was stupid. My party wanted to return to the dungeon they were previously explored. I was invited to join them and I agreed. Speaking of, I need to make a note Noelani bought my breakfast. I owe her one, she seems really sweet but I feel like there is more going on under the surface. Boris and Sam were both offended when I mentioned their height. I was just making an observation and they decided it was a height/race thing. That wasn't my intent at all. We visited the shop and did some trading. Boris hired a few goblins to work with us on our expedition.
We made a quick visit to the goblin temple. There, we learned about the Tall One. This appears to be a wizard/warlock who may be responsible for the goblin's sudden increase in intelligence. There is also a strong arcana magic radiating from the high priest but I can't put my finger on what it is supposed to be. They claimed it was a protection spell but I'm unsure about that.
I went back to the tavern and invited Jim to come with us. We decided it was his birthday and the thing he wanted the most was a boat and damn it, he was gonna get one today. It was the least I could do to make things right . The party decided to travel by boat and needed a vehicle/captain. I covered our journey by improvising a song about the captain. When we arrived in the cave we entered several rooms. In the first one there was tall grass and glowing lights. There were also mushrooms. We heard a noise in the dark. I, missing the sign that said not to do this, shot a firework at the ceiling to illuminate the room. These octopus like creatures ate two of our goblins. We gathered some leaves from the mushroom and ran into the next room. In that room there was an orange potion on the floor. I picked it up and considered drinking it but changed my mind. This turned out to be a wise decision. When encountering a large bug I decided to splash some of it on the creature. I missed but the floor melted a bit.
We went further into the dungeon into a room with several columns and an orb of water in the center. Sam figured out the columns had an alchemy recipe. When he mixed the ingredients together the orb opened up to a fountain. Most of us were cautious but Sam went ahead and drank from the fountain. He appeared to be stronger and to have gained some kind of alchemy insight. Borris drank the water and grew a third arm. Its impractical but it looks like it works well for him. Noelani drank from it as well and I did too. I currently have a cloud of white that glitters around me and I feel like I have more strength before. I felt amazing. Better than I had in years.
Running high on the ecstasy of this fountain, I demanded Jim to drink from it as well. He enthusiastically said yes and took a drink from my flask. I stepped back and eagerly waited for his transformation. He smiled at me and promptly vomited black ooze, leaking it onto my shoes. I stepped back from him and looked in horror as the man exploded.
Jim died and it was my fault. Accidents happen but I'm more than likely cursed or caused this to happen.