The Battle Part 2 by Aerilyn | World Anvil

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Mon 23rd Aug 2021 12:05

The Battle Part 2

by Aerilyn Faeyth

I'm more capable than I gave myself credit for. I did not strike any killing blows but managed on my own. Neolani is a terrifying force. Her powerful spells disrupted armies and took down two large tyrannosaurs rexes. I suggested we take the beast hides to make armor in the future. We gathered those and took a moment to take in our environment. War raged around us but a magnificent tent was set up near us. This had to belong to the prince. On our way I spotted my friend Middlefink. She wanted a part of the action and to be a hero. Its not that I do not doubt her skills but this is a wild battle even for my even more skilled party members. I invited her to travel with us.
My second meeting with the prince could have gone better. It appears he takes stock in dream meanings. I confirmed with him how we sign out in case the worst came to pass. I hope he did not take that poorly, I just needed a back door. We determined we would climb the mountain to determine where his scouts have gone. He gave us magic paper and emphasized staying in contact. He also gave us a crate of health potions. I could be almost invincible with that. Almost.
There was a lot of riding and battle. I came out unscathed besides a slightly torn bag. I was able to sew it shut once we stopped. We reached a camp for rest. Three soldiers there seemed depressed. Their description of the battle scared Middlefink. I recommended she head back to the king and she agreed. Sam cured some of the majorly injured. We were advised to send our horses to greenhorn and travel on foot for this adventure.
Without a light, we traveled forward in the dark. Sam seemed alarmed by something but didn't specify what he saw. I'm really concerned about him. After passing out I wonder how much he is hearing in his head lately. I think I feel sorry for him. Not enough to change anything but definitely concerned about his well being. It begins to pour rain on us. I hoped it would conceal us from any passing orcs. They can't see us, we can't see them. The environment begins to take on a rusty smell. Walking forward my foot bumps into a floating limb. In the darkness, I could not tell if it was an orc or other species.
Neolani sent her raven ahead and she needed me to guide her. She had a birds eye view of the field ahead of us. We saw a tent and several sleeping enemies. We snuck through successfully and I found their secret war plans. Thank you mom for teaching me comprehend languages before I left! Would I ever see her again? I hope so.
Our climb up the mountain was unnerving. I felt the ground shift underneath my feet constantly. I glanced down for a moment a saw them in the pitch dark. Spiders. Thousands of them. I alerted everyone to the issue but we couldn't really guess what that meant for us. As we walked in the dark more and more webs emerged. They were thick and overwhelming. I was worried about pulling to hard and alerting whatever made these. Eventually, spiders did attack us but we took care of them relatively carefully. We moved further up and we paused for a rest.
When we stopped a letter apparated in front of me. I saw the pink and blue ink and immediately knew it was my mother's hand writing. I reached out to grab it and I felt a hot pain in my chest region. I first think it was an odd enchantment from someone who got ahold of her letter but I moved my hand to my chest and feel an arrow shallowly burrowing. I took it out and read the note. I'll have to compile my thoughts later and most likely deserves its own journal.
Noelani a few minutes later began to connect the dots with her dream she has been having. As she started to explain this we heard a commotion in the distance. Lulfy and some kind of drow priestess were in front of us discussing the rise of the house of Dozvelok.
Then the biggest spider I have ever seen came out of a cave. I felt like we were losing control and I should have killed Lulfy when I had the change. "FUCK YOU LULFY!"