Homecomin' by Duraz | World Anvil

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Thu 2nd Jun 2022 07:20


by Duraz Stoneheart

Mah return tae Cofre was both far more, and far less, wonderful than ah thought it'd be. The main thing were that the mountain did be under siege by a whole host'a beasties...well...mostly an army ah Orc types. Our first sight, up close, of the Mountain were that the entire army of a greenish brown tide washed up against it most foul (pun intended a'course because tides n' oceans be foul really). The group of us tore into 'em like it were the merest grains of sand before a mighty storms wind. Seksgar mashed dozens of'em tae pulp in single smashes of his hammer, and the elf was able tae see these great big unseeable critters that were rompin about munchin great bites outta the valiant defenders a' Cofre. Her arrows blasted the magic beasties to bits, frequently spittin up the recently munched unfortunates. I did see me ol' friend Gobha out amongst them rompin about and mostly on the losin end of whatever he was tryin tae do. Him and another pair a dwarves were doin what they could tae try n stem the tide. I didnae ken who them other two were, but they fought well enou' together. Me, I called the storm outta the already darkened skies and took flight fer the first time as a storm crow straight outta story books I would read as a lad. Pressin forward tae the defenders we eliminated whole hosts a' the orc beasts. It weren't till we got tae the tradin town near the gates a' the Mountain tha we found there were far greater dangers about. Mah Mother.
She were tryin tae marshal the defenders about, and surprised me more'n a fair bit by laying about with a weapon. I heard her tell tales, and I heard me Da' tell stories... but she is scary...I mean, she wouldae been scary. Were it not fer the fact that right about then a great big beastie of a ginormous crystalline scaled dragon plopped itself down a'ter blastin great big bits outta the defenders. One'a the pair a dwarves that were fightin wi' us, a bonny lass, chucked a crossbow bolt up and did the first damage I seen done to the great big monster. Mah friends (aye shut it) an I rallied up an prepared tae do our best to kill yonder beastie - Seksgar hollerin up a storm at the beast who stayed outta range of his giant hammer, while the elf made use of her stick to fling powerful arrows at it. To my surprise the wee Roscoe popped outta nowhere and did some cripplin ruin tae the o'ersized lizard and gave us a fightin chance. A'course that were done at the risk of drawin the beasts ire and causin the halfsized halfwit tae be blasted near tae death fer his actions. Almost heroic as it were. Mah' n' I were able tae head o'er there and try tae lend some aide. When we'd finally done at least a spot of harm to the beast it were unable to keep aloft near as well, n' Seksgar was able to whup it with his giant whompom stone. That learn'ed it a bit. Unfortunately, it decided that showin it's heels n' headin back to whatever dark realm what spawned it were a great idea, only it wanted to take a snack with it. Which makes sense ah suppose. However, it chose to make a grab for the rail thin elf tae take wif him. Which was just bonkers...there's no meat on them bones at'all.
Turns out, he weren't trahin tae get a snack, he were trahin tae take her skinny butt back to the dark hells and give her tae one of them mind blastingly crazy twisted spawns of evil what be the dark gods. Well... thankfully it had him a hard time concentratin on' magickin' hisself away whilst Seksgar bludgeoned his tender bits. Ah know he tried tae light outta there several times, but he couldnae do it. Ah tried tae keep life in the idjiots around me, which the giant dumbass lizard kept traein tae undo. Luckily Roscoe decided tae stop being the sorry layabout he is and got back into the fight, which helped tae tip the balance in our favor. Ultimately - we rescued the skinny ass elf (again), an slayed the giant flyin lizard so's we could focus on the unexpectedly deadly adversary what we found in our midst. Mah Mother.
Words were exchanged. Ah lost. Me Mah let the group into the Mountain. An it turns out we had it out right in front of that bonny lass...who it turns out, is mah fiancee. Great. Ahm home.