Traveling back to Cofre - Day 8-1 by Duraz | World Anvil

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Thu 11th Feb 2021 10:07

Traveling back to Cofre - Day 8-1

by Duraz Stoneheart

And here we are, walking back to Cofre after teleporting to a tower full of strange faux-rocks. Keeping an eye out for non-faux rocks that could be interesting. The ground here is strange a phosphorescent as if we were in the deep dark places near an area of bad rocks, but it's better than the alternative...that being water, which is obviously shite. The fireflies here are very weird, they seem to have people shapes...but very very wee. They seem extremely friendly and outgoing, which is super annoying. Somehow they all know my name, which is ... ok well everything here is weird. Sat on night watch with Roscoe. Apparently our little hut glows, because all the wee fly fairy things kept flying into it. I suggest we find a way to electrify our tent so as to avoid further interactions with these flitting wee fairy critters. Additionally, I should make sure that Zen is familiar with how absolutely critical it is that Roscoe not be allowed to sit night shift with...Seksgar or the pirate.