Weddin' Day by Duraz | World Anvil

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Thu 2nd Jun 2022 09:28

Weddin' Day

by Duraz Stoneheart

As ah mentioned a'fore, time she be a fickle trickster. Ah think it must be an elf. Ahhparently... I were old 'nough tae be married and by Chendes' beard mah Ma' were determined it be done right quick, nae matter what other events were going aboot. Mah first proper intraduction tae me fiancee were at a dinner mah Ma' n' ol' friend Lorrick arranged fer me. Mah fiancees name is Brida, n' she were one'a them pair a' dwarf fighters what helped us fightin the great big crystal lizard, in fact it were she what shot the flyin beastie first off. As ah mentioned a'fore, the elf had exercised her magical power o'er the books tae find out there were no real way ah dodgin the whole gettin' wed thing, and I knew mah Ma' were unlikely tae allow us tae leave the mountain a'gin fore' havin it done. So, ah bit down on the mold'n clay and pressed for'd onto uncertain groun' n' did the best ah' could. Mah family n' her family gather'd 'bout as is tradition an' we heard how mah Ma' n' Brida's Mah'd made plans fer us long ago. That bein done, there were honors n' obligations what needed seein' tae. Through it all I figured ah'd best be as honest as a vein prominent on an outcrop, an aquit mahself as best ah' could.
As things turned out, ah think Roscoe tried tae warn me, but at the time ah didn't ken the fact that there were going tae be more folks impacted than mah fiancee an I. Then again, ah know that folk have lots more interactions wi' folks than I do, so that makes a bit a' sense when I thought about it. An think on it ah did. What I ken is that folk should be honest tae the best they can, n' if they agreed tae to some'at, then they should'aughta do it. Now... the whole bit about our parents agree'in that ah'd do some'at on mah behalf...that seems a might sketchy tae me. But, that be the way a' things in Cofre, an ah knew that the whole time growin up. So, ah figure that what Brida got up to a'fore her vows tae me, make no nevermind tae me. What matters now is doin the right thing by our promise to each other, solid as stone. Accordin tae me party a frien...idjiots, turns out ah mah have o'er looked somethin. Brida got a bit fired up over mah previous interactions wi' Rose, tho' ah cannae ken why. Tru'nough she did kiss me that one time, but ah figure it's like whate'er Brida may'ah done afore her vows, it shouldnae be no nevermind tae her so long as I stay solid.
That said, ah think Roscoe mentioned some'at about how ahm a goner fer sure. Ah'll have to have a think on that. Ah mustae messed some'at up again and need to ken what it be a'fore trouble comes knockin. Ah may ken what it be after ah have a sit for a spell, ah'll ask the stones what they ken about it.