A Sensible Dwarf's Planeswalking Notes pt. 1 by Duraz | World Anvil

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Thu 12th Aug 2021 11:14

A Sensible Dwarf's Planeswalking Notes pt. 1

by Duraz Stoneheart

So, how does a party go from fighting bloody cultists on a river in an underground tunnel, to suddenly zipping through the stars for no reason what so ever? If your first answer is - because of un-explained/expected Elf hugs, you might be right. One moment we were doing battle, the next the current had picked up and we were in danger of tipping into a whirlpool ahead of us, next thing we know the Elf has us in a power grip of unexpected strength and AWAY we go. Now later, she did say that it weren't here doin, and in her defense she did seem very honest at the moment. Unfortunately, all we're left with is the whims and caprice of unknown gods...though it's currently looking more n' more like the whims of Lepota specifically.
It helps neither of their arguments that we arrived in what appears to be the land of the fondest dreams, wet or otherwise, of Elves. There are trees here that could rival mountains for height, and undoubtedly hold enough wood in each to house a whole town...or a small human village, since leaving home I have found that human communities are abnormally largely populated. Everything in this new plane...literally a plane, we saw three of them as we floated through the stars to get here and we floated ta the heavily forested one. I blame the Elf. She's normally got such a good level head on her shoulders... well, that's what I useta think...recent information is apparently taught me otherwise, but more on that later.
I have to admit, that I didnae like the looks of this place at all. However, once we made it to dry land. ONCE WE MADE IT, which is to say when the Elf in her infinite wisdom decided to dump us all in the Gods forsaken river and we eventually made it to shore...and I was the farthest out by the way, a point she didnae miss I ken. Anyways, once on dry land...there actually is a lot of beauty to be found in this place...though it do be hard to see. The rocks an minerals here be of dazzling variety an color. Obviously the mineral to metal ratio is vastly different than on the prime material plane, I woulnae be surprised ta find all sorts of new metal an mineral alloys occurring naturally just laying about. I found a strange opalescent shimmering mineral and an intriguing turquoise mineral blend on my first day. I think that a lot of time could and probably should be taken to better understand the mineral/metal varieties and types that exist here. I wonder if anyone has ever done that before. I should try to remember to ask the Elf sometime.
She might be willing to give me an answer as her short trip through the water fixed her foot...so she might be a tad less snappish. She was a bit glowy as well. However, when I asked a very reasonable question about the implications of such a glowy outline... welll... maybe her foot was still hurting from being fixed so suddenly.
AND get this. APPARENTLY Zin hooked up with Rue? Apparently when I was working to make our excellent tavern as excellent as it currently is she was running the books... in between "social" engagements with Fern's brother. Who knew?!
Finally... Titty sharks? I didnae really catch exactly what that was... but it sounds positive whatever it was.

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