Corellia Emberfin by Corellia | World Anvil

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7th of Eadriscus, 1301 AC

Corellia Emberfin

by Corellia Emberfin

Ahoy Matey,

If you be findin this letter, well then that means the great Eadro has beckoned me home! I hope that when you've found this letter, I'm a skeleton in a long lost cave as I was out searching for treasure! Oy, wouldn't that be a way to go. On the off chance that's what happened, let me tell ya bout this here pile o' bones, Corellia Emberfin.

In 1283 AC, me mother, Marisela Coralheart, Triton ambassador, and me father, Astaroth Emberwind, Tiefling ambassador were both summoned to Goldstone to meet with the Ravenna Council along with members from many other tribes to discuss what should be done with the growing pirate problem.

Though Tieflings and Tritons weren't normally ones to find a likin for one another, my mom and dad grew fond of each other during their visit and maybe had a lil…too much fun while on official duty. Needless to say, 9 months later out popped this purple treasure (cuz you know, I'm half Tiefling and half Triton). Even though my mom had become pregnant, due to the official duties of both my parent's jobs, they were not able to wed and live together. So my mom carried on in her home, in the depths of East-Itaguay Gulf, and my dad resumed his duties at the base of the volcano in Hvernus.

My birth however, was met with a scare. See, a Tiefling and Triton had never had a child together (as far as we knew) and my mom didn't think about that when she was giving birth to me…in her home city….under water. I didn't have gills!! Couldn't breath a bit of that water and started to suffocate immediately. My mom had to rush me to the surface and realized she was either going to have to give me up or move. My mom, not wanting to abandon her child, but also wanted to stay in the Triton community, moved us to the tribe in Orve Nerius. They were surface dwellers, though remained secluded from most other tribes still. The chieftess, Seraphina Wavecrest, opened us with open arms.

While there, I grew up fairly in a normal life. I learned the ways of the sea, how to sail, and how to fish. Since I was also using a dagger to gut fish, but always needed rope handy to help tie something down or moor ship, I realized I could combine the two and create a new type of tool; a rope dart. It had great reach, fantastic flair, and confused my sparring partners about when and where my attacks would come from. It was fantastically unique, but as I learned to use it, I definitely ended up giving myself more than a few cuts and lacerations. That's okay though, seeing I was a frequent flier at our shaman, he was always there to patch me up and get me back out on the water.

My heart always longed for the sea, any chance I'd get I'd be on ships out on the water. I wanted to be where it is deepest as I always felt like there was a mystery and calling for me to explore the depths of the oceans. Since being IN the water at sea was frowned upon, I'd casually "fall" overboard. Though, the ship crews did not find this humorous. Alas, they then required me to always have a tie to the ship so I wouldn't go missing. And if I wasn't on a ship or sparring with my peers, I'd be in the cove talking to and befriending the creatures of the sea.

Apparently though, Seraphina liked my jovial and free spirit. She thought that I'd be a perfect fit to marry her son Nereus Tidecaller when we were of age. He was also a bit of a “by the book” lad and needed someone who could help me see that not everything in life had to be so serious. As it was, I was set to be heir chieftess of our clan. I liked Nereus though, and I liked to push his buttons. I could tell that I annoyed him with my playfulness, but I also knew he enjoyed it. I would always drag him with me out into any adventure (and trouble) that I could find. Including, but not limited to a solo sail at midnight to watch the meteor shower.

Nereus and I never got married though. One year when we were about 16, fishing had become real scarce. We attributed it to the rise of gat powder usage and the pirates using explosive barrels to blow up large schools of fish at a time to make fishing "easier" without ever a care in the world about what that would do to the wildlife. Nereus ended up leading a crew over to the West-Itaguay Gulf to find food for our clan, but his ship never returned. We sent searches out to see if we could find them, but all we found were parts of his ship, not a single body was ever recovered. Who knows, maybe he was taken captive by pirates or eaten by Loch himself. I mourned for weeks. My mouth tried to console me and justify by saying "you never would have been happy being forced to stay in one place as a chieftess anyway." She was right, but it didn't help. As the tide came and went, my heart started to heal, but I do still miss Nereus and want to know what happened to him and his crew.

Well that was a bit deep for some random stranger to be readin bout in this dark and wet cave, let's lighten it up.

Bet your wonderin bout what happened to me dad. Well, he actually wanted to stay connected and be part of my life, so he'd visit once a quarter to see me and mom. Whenever we'd see his ship on the horizon, my mom's eyes always lit up, and she'd get giddy and nervous like a lil girl again. My dad would step ashore and brush her hair out of the way and always remark on how beautiful she was. They were in love, but just couldn't find a way to be together.

Dad would visit for a couple weeks at a time and he always brought me something. A couple of times he brought potions of water breathing so Mom could take me and show me her home. It was absolutely breathtaking, pun intended. I know my mom wants to move back but refuses to leave me. I wish I could live with her there. So that's why the day I turned 18 on Eadriscus 7th, 1301 AC, I set off on my own adventure to learn how to breath underwater permanently and live with Mom in her true home. My mom didn't want me to go and said she was content where we were, but I made her promise to go home while I was searching for a means, and that I'd visit her when I could. Before I set off though, Mom and Dad gave me a necklace with a pendant that has a fire dragon and water dragon swimming inside to show me that they will always be with me on my journey.

So, that's it, that's the story of Corellia Emberfin. Now I know I got no right askin, but if my chance flesh still be rottin from this corpse, would you mind taking my necklace back to me mum or pop and let them know I'm now swimming in the great eternal sea? If not, well I hope Loch eats you too! Nah, I'm just kidding (bout the Loch part), I know ye owe me nothing. May Eadro guide you, and may the wind be always behind ya!

Continue reading...

  1. Corellia Emberfin
    7th of Eadriscus, 1301 AC
  2. Helluva Way to Start a Journey
    10th of Eadriscus, 1301 AC
  3. The Need for Rapport
    12 of Eadriscus 1301 AC
  4. A New Friend
    13th of Eadriscus
  5. New Ship, Who This?
    14th of Eadriscus 1301
  6. The Bounty for Hex; pt 1
    15th of Eadriscus 1301
  7. Meeting with Clarissa
    16th of Eadriscus
  8. Planar Battles
    16th of Eadriscus
  9. Battle Between Gods
    16th of Eadriscus
  10. Out of My Way
    17th of Eadriscus
  11. Internal Strife
    17th of Eadriscus
  12. Redeemed