The Need for Rapport by Corellia | World Anvil

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12 of Eadriscus 1301 AC

The Need for Rapport

by Corellia Emberfin

These last few days weren't too terribly exciting. I did commission a magical rope from Daggin, the magic shop keep here at Manmoga. Said it was going to take about three days to work on so we decided to head north in the woods. Apparently Arves was looking for something, I'm not sure what though. The dude was kinda cryptic. That bothered me, so I told him if we were going to be adventuring together that we'd need to be able to trust one another. Hopefully he can learn to trust and have open forms of communication, I kinda struggle with those who aren't open with me.
Before we even started north though, there was a commotion on our ship. Apparently Scruvy, a man we resuced on solitary island has a bounty he has to complete otherwise the Silver Rounds Guild is going to take Scurvy and keelhaul him. I think the crew are going to go and help complete the bounty within 10 days, (that's how long the guild is giving us), but Arves doesn't really seem to care about the life of Scurvy and doesn't seem too keen on helping a man out, even though we'd be gettin 10,000 gold.
After we got rid of the guild member, we headed into the woods. While there we split up and Zephyrion and I went to hunt for berries for payment for my rope. We had a great little chat and got to know eachother. Apparently his parents died recently to a gat powder explosion....poor kid; explains why he hates the stuff so much.
We then found an old shack by a pond with a man who was fishing. I had a good ol time sitting next to the man kinda annoying him and outfishing the dude. I wore him down though and he eventually told me where the berries I sought were. So, I got what I need, now to redeem my product.
May the waves of Eadro guide you

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  1. Corellia Emberfin
    7th of Eadriscus, 1301 AC
  2. Helluva Way to Start a Journey
    10th of Eadriscus, 1301 AC
  3. The Need for Rapport
    12 of Eadriscus 1301 AC
  4. A New Friend
    13th of Eadriscus
  5. New Ship, Who This?
    14th of Eadriscus 1301
  6. The Bounty for Hex; pt 1
    15th of Eadriscus 1301
  7. Meeting with Clarissa
    16th of Eadriscus
  8. Planar Battles
    16th of Eadriscus
  9. Battle Between Gods
    16th of Eadriscus
  10. Out of My Way
    17th of Eadriscus
  11. Internal Strife
    17th of Eadriscus
  12. Redeemed