In Which the Party Parties by Charity | World Anvil

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Mon 16th Dec 2019 12:56

In Which the Party Parties

by Lady Charity k'Sheyna

Well, she did it. And we did it. Delathar stuffed the real Captain Tristan in a sack, and Zarzarian took his face.
I mean, not really took his face, but like looked like him? Magic is freaking weird.
She dismissed all of those handsome guards, and we are alone with the whores and the brat.
Delathar tied the real man to the chair, and Zarzarian resumed her face.
Suddenly the doors fore and aft fly open, and six ruffians come tumbling in. Thug #6 crashes in and yells "where is he?!", and attacks Zarzarian with his stabby club thing. Thug #2 heads for Delathar, took a swing, and missed. He then turned and poison sprayed the man in the face while grabbing his greatsword. He hit the ruffian and something disgusting to his shoulder.
Lady Grey let loose with a terrifying blast of green energy, and blew a hole in the kitchen wall.
Douche #5 headed straight for Zarzarian and grabbed a hold of her. The indignity!
I tried to stab the man, and am simply too shaken.
Thug #4 came in and hit her with his club. #1 took a pot shot at me, and hit me with a glancing blow. #3 had the misfortune to head for Delathar, tried to hug him tight, and he just brushed it off.
6 and 2 fail to do anything worth noting. Delathar swings his greatsword at 2 and bloodies the shit out of him. Whole big pile! I blink and suddenly he is many times himself.
Wow, did I take a blow to the head?! Jeez, this is that time like when I drank way too much of that bad mead...
Zarzarian muttered some craziness and appeared at the back door, turns dramatically and draws her daggers, and throws them with deadly accuracy at 4 and 6.
5 looked like an idiot with his arms in the air, so rushes toward Delathar for a hug? Anyway, he hits him with a brilliant swing and one of the images wavers and vanishes.
I strike #1 with my two daggers and hit the hell out of him. He swings back and taps me slightly.
The haze of battle descends over my eyes and one falls to the ground screaming. Suddenly the room fills with "sticky icky, make them all stucky wucky". What. The. Fuck.
Oh, I've heard of this! I dart out the window before she can finish her spell, but Delathar was not as quick and all three of him are bound in the webs.
#3 takes the full force of my crossbow bolt to the hip. 1 and 3 struggle in their bonds but are ultimately fruitless.
Delathar slices himself free from the webs, and Zarzarian cast her terrifying burning hand thing and immolates a thug. She throws a second and the smell of burning fills the air.
I draw a bolt, kiss the fletching, and fire it into the fray. It flies true and embeds itself deeply within the eye socket of Thug #1. I throw a saucy kiss and a wink as he falls and the webs suspend his dripping corpse like a macabre puppet.
Blue bolts of energy streak from Zarzarian's hands, shifting through aqua, and finally splashing into Thug #4's chest where it slices deeply.
Delathar filets Thug #4, slices at #6. Another overhand chop with the sword and cleaves the thug in two.
Zarzarian let out the most delicate sneeze and the system of webbing collapsed in the house. She retrieved her daggers and he looted the bodies.
Delathar started to interrogate Tristan, who professes no knowledge of a bomb or plot to destroy things. He becomes increasingly agitated the longer the questions were asked.
Zarzarian jumped in and pulled Delathar off Tristain. Delathar explained how and why we thought the Captain and the Regent were involved in bad things.
Suddenly and out of nowhere (as per usual), an arrow flies through the window and strikes Tristan in the chest.