The Heat by Jericho | World Anvil

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Sun 19th Sep 2021 05:48

The Heat

by Jericho McDermott

Jericho Thoughts
Nice early morning for your boyo Jericho (I like how that sounds). Started off with taking a jaunt to the HQ, rechristened the Junkyard. The amount of destruction here was unfortunate. It looks like it did when we got here in the first place. Real terrible site(sight? F’kn english) to see.
Well, I wasn’t there to clean up. I came to set up some surveillance. After some fafin’ and fussin’ and fuckin’ about I got it about finished. When I was interrupted… by a detective.
I met Detective Graves. Who had quite a few questions about what I know, who I know, what I was doing, and why I know what I know… I might have made a miss step or two but I don’t think it will come back to bite me unless the detective uncovers more than the mortals ought to know.
After we finished up some fire marshal showed up and they started going over all manner of stuff that I found dreadfully boring. So I bowed out after dropping some eves for a little bit. I had to warn the boys so we could get our story straight.
We met up at the local pancake stacker and hashed out our meetings. Turns out Rufus had a similar encounter with Graves’ partner. As luck would have it, we spun a similar yarn. But that’s where my luck ran out.
I offhandedly mentioned how I was going to meet up with the other pack to learn a Rite and Rufus just about bit my head off. He went on and on about how I shouldn’t be colluding with the others and all interactions have to go through him. Not that I’d tell him this, but I know where he was coming from. But I didn’t like the tone. I might be new, but I’m no pup. And it may have slipped his mind, but I have barely been under him longer than I was cared for by Spark Tech Media. So that didn’t sit well with me, he might be the boss, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let him put a collar on me and drag me around to heel.
With breakfast ruined, Rufus stormed off and Barnaby went after him to try and talk some sense into that thick skull. Not exactly what they talked about, but I’m pretty sure he brought up about how we can’t learn everything by ourselves, and we can’t be silos that stand alone. Werewolves are stronger together.
While those two split off, so did Will and myself. We had some paperwork to do. I won’t bore you with the details, but we set about taking Finn off of the books and putting on Will and Vlad. We also started doing some research on where the liability is for the insurance claim and all that junk.
In the middle of the mountains of paperwork I got a message from Nicholas saying that he had some time tonight to teach me the Rite. I Sent ‘mom’ a message asking if I could go play with my friends, but I never got a response. I let Nicholas know that I would try and meet him later tonight once I got permission.
After getting our minds thoroughly melted by the paperwork it was time to take off. Me to training (sans approval) and Will to meet with the group and go to the totem. En route to the training ground outside of town there was a threatening text sent out that if I do anything not expressly approved, then I will be stricken from the pack…
Now, I’ll be honest. This wasn’t an easy decision for me. Do I call his bluff? Do I spend the rest of my time with the people who are more like me anyway? Do I go and hang the consequences? Or do I roll over?
Not wanting to further upset the pack dynamics. I put my tail between my legs and went with the ladder. Not without making everyone sweat though… It’s in my nature. I took the round about way and got there before they all did. As for the meeting with the Totem.. I couldn’t tell you much, I wasn’t really listening. My mind was racing, fuckin’ Rufus is rubbing off on me. I was mad.
After we left, Rufus tried to have a heart to heart with me, I gave off the same vibe as a stone wall. He tried to open up but it was like trying to listen next to a waterfall. Eventually we got back to the flesh side and he made a couple calls and got me a slot in that Rite training. He better not think I owe him one.
And the rest is history. I met with Nicholas and Shadow, turns out she was going to learn it as well. We trained for hours, long into the night. While the rest of the group hung out and made amends with Ramona at Ol’ Iron Sides. They even got a couple of our people set up with new jobs, but I don’t know much about that. What I do know, is I got invited to brunch with none other than Wealthy Grandma Jocasta Forrest. Better wear these new $400 jeans and get my smooth on.