At What Cost? by Alexandrie | World Anvil

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At What Cost?

by Sanjuio Alexandrie Donadieu

Will there ever be a time when I have apologised enough? Not only have I left my home, I have left my house, an engagement, ma famille et vous. Now I have to commit to doing something I know is wrong, or doing something that society - that you - think is wrong.
When I swore I wouldn't say anything about the forge, I meant it. I mean it. I won't say anything. I don't want to disappoint Vee, or grandmère, but the things she fought for are the things I have now. Without her, I wouldn't have a house, I wouldn't have a home to think of, I wouldn't get to be homesick. J'adore grandmère, et j'adore Vee, mais...
I don't think they realise that I love my home. I love Shining Capital. I love the people there. If Tallman wins...
If Tallman wins, I want to be able to be proud of my house.
Can I be proud if I keep this promise?
No. Maybe I could feel proud that I kept un promis, mais I could not be proud of the promise.
This is not like home. People could die if I make the wrong choice.
I made the promise to save the others, but...
What is my word worth if I give it up so easily?
The others want to just ignore it, but they are under my word too. Aren't they?
Merde, j'ai mal a la tête.
I don't want Tallman to win. That much is clear. I don't think he should. I think he is a liar, I think il est dangereux - not because of him. I have no doubt that if Spider had enough time to hunt him, he would be dead. Il est dangereux parce qu'il a commencé une chaîne d'événements. We need to be careful how we handle him.
There is something we are not seeing and if I didn't have such a headache I might be able to see it.
We need Tallman on our side. I think. I fear this may be bigger than some lizardfolk in a bog. I fear this information needs to get to the Capital. I can't give it. I cannot go there and break my word - there are other things I need to do. We are only two weeks from home and so much further to go yet. I can't turn around now.
La Chanson a une tâche pour moi. Maybe that will solve this. I have a feeling...
Merde, I want to lie down.

Continue reading...

  1. C'est Le Progrès?
  2. J'ai tué une femme
  3. Beauté
  4. 12 Seconds
  5. Fear
  6. Vous.
  7. What now?
  8. Mensonges: What is a Lie Worth?
  9. At What Cost?
  10. A plan
  11. Plus de morts