What now? by Alexandrie | World Anvil

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What now?

by Sanjuio Alexandrie Donadieu

They know about La Chanson now. Vee says he has heard it before, but the other two...pourquoi...why did you reveal yourself to them?
Is it because I am too weak to do what you need me to do alone? Is it because I got drunk and you can't trust me? I am trustworthy, je vous promets... I will do what you want and what you need.
Mais...you showed yourself to them and to me. I asked for help and you came and you helped all of us. Not just me. Tout le groupe. Vee says that never happened to grand-mère. Je ne vous comprends pas tout à fait.
Maman...would she still think what is happening is crazy? I didn't talk to her after the first time I tried. I didn't try to explain. I wish I had now.
Because if this nobleman finds out who we are and we get sent home I'm going to wish I had been killed. Merde. She would be so angry after she got over being glad I was home.
I don't like the cold, and the wet, and the uncomfortable beds, but I think I would enjoy shackles less.
I think I would enjoy being married less.
We have these jobs to do. We need money to get to where you're sending me so we need this money.
We cannot let the lizardfolk hurt anyone else. We cannot let the lizardfolk get hurt anymore.
I do not want to go back.
It is one thing to stumble across a plot and get caught by a nobleman. It is another to stumble across a plot and get caught by a nobleman - knowing that someone is searching for me.
I do not want to be found.
But if the only way to keep everyone safe is to reveal myself, then that is what I will do.
I want to do what you want me to do.
I have things to do.
I cannot do them if we are dead.
I need to do what grandmère could not.
I do it for you. And I do it for her.

Continue reading...

  1. C'est Le Progrès?
  2. J'ai tué une femme
  3. Beauté
  4. 12 Seconds
  5. Fear
  6. Vous.
  7. What now?
  8. Mensonges: What is a Lie Worth?
  9. At What Cost?
  10. A plan
  11. Plus de morts