The Moon Job by Nichol | World Anvil

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Mon 30th May 2022 02:53

The Moon Job

by Nichol Trafford

I know. Never take notes on a criminal conspiracy. But the Captain of this operation keeps telling me it's not a criminal conspiracy. Still think she's blowing some smoke after those Starlight cops showed up, but it gives me an excuse to keep track things in case I end up in another Roc situation and have to ghost these people, too.
I've been put at the helm of their new airship, and my job is to help them get artifacts and magical items... which includes ruin raiding, apparently, instead of just grabbing it from someone. It's strange to grab stuff from people who are too dead to care, at least when the rest of the crew didn't make them too dead to care. Get there, look around, get stuff, go home, and I just keep the airship going fast and riding smoothly.
The trip actually went a little better than expected - we made it most of the way to the moon before another ship busted into our travel lane, followed by a ship full of cops in pursuit calling themselves Starlight something something. The fleeing ship, the Legend, asked for backup, while the cop ship did the normal power trip thing and demanded to commandeer our vessel. I got the airship away from being pincered between Legend and Cop, and I prepared a large windburst to get some distance between the cops and everyone else. It didn't work that way. It might be because I was nervous with a first jo the Legend busted a hold into our lane in outer space, but the wind went out of control and smashed everyone together before depositing all of us on the moon.
We all got banged up, but the crew was otherwise okay. The Legend and its crew was okay, and the cop kept copping until he realized how outgunned he was after we grabbed his mech. He decided to go with the ruin search party and me, because of course he did, and we found hammer and anvil artifacts. We also found... something else. It made my fins shudder before I saw it, and it's making my fins shudder now just remembering it. For reasons unknown to me, the Cop... Commander... something... volunteered to help us escape. Of course, after something like that, the crew had to wreck the thing chasing him and save the guy. Respect is paid with respect, after all. We brought him back to his ship, we went home, and we gave the artifacts to a group of otter researchers. I think those guys from the Legend will be helpful, too, and I'll need to look into their goods. This seems like a good start. Let's see how it goes.
ADDENDUM TO NOTES: I just finished writing this up, and now I hear the sub is gone after getting snapped in half, and there's a ship of a legendary pirate we just found that we're using now? I think I need to talk to the Captain or the officers again, because I get the distinct feeling of smoke getting blown up my gills.