All the Devils You Love by Finnan | World Anvil
Sat 10th Apr 2021 10:10

All the Devils You Love

by Finnan Baltheir

We had a very in depth debate on if Asmodeus is a lust god and what would be his pickup lines. It's been a nice distraction to trying to find our friends who are on a quest for drugs. Also we realized that Hurm is 38. I'm confused and Omar can't understand that someone is older than he is. Omar, myself, Ethar are trying to search for our friends who hopefully haven't gotten too far. Hopefully Sylvar may not be as agitated as he was earlier... I guess if I don't rip into his family members that may help. I really hope they dont meet up with a strange hunter in the middle of the night, who may be a vampire, and, I don't know, try and petition them to find them drug-shrooms. I guess it would be worse if failing to sway the hunter they decide to find the mushrooms in the middle of the forest on their own. Anyway, Ethar's fucking woowoo, god juice, lamp is guiding us towards the item Lifebringer, the scythe that Caldera owns. We are hoping that the scythe is with Caldera.
I have a feeling that Caldera has cold feet, not sure that it's a metaphor or literal. I uttered the phrase, "How did we fall so far from god?" as we bumble through the woods. Ethar casts Haste on Omar who is now suffering from the zoomies and we find Hurm sweating a little too much to be considered pedestrian.
Oh we found Caldera and Sylvar! Running up to reach them I suddenly find myself beside a spectral entity on a ghostly elk who passed through me sapping me of my strength. Sylvar, with Caldera in the same saddle, ride bravely towards the ghost trying to strike it and passes through the undead. And rides on through. Doing no damage and continues to ride away. Soon later that strange tree with the skull head appeared and the two presumably undead creatures did battle. During the confusion our group and I took the time to escape. Feeling weak it was a relief to finally get some rest. In the morning we decide to gather our things and take off. Caldera is looking really agitated. I guess this is hard to define given his regular state. It's like a different flavor on angst than usual. He verbally dressed down Sylvar after him offering Caldera a lift on his elk; could it be the addiction to the mushrooms or is Caldera struggling with adolescent desires that are beyond his control? Anyway Omar created a spell that allows us to rest in the cart comfortably.
I'm happy we are finally heading to Berem.