The Outsider by Buta | World Anvil

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Thu 25th Nov 2021 04:31

The Outsider

by Buta

Growing up Buta was seen as an outsider being called names and being told he would corrupt the Abbey and that an outsider should have never been allowed in. After some time the young bugbear had become infatuated with the idea of Jokes. He would often perform his jokes for the local elders who would lock him in the pits for being too "curious" about the outside world, finding their missing deceased pets delivered to their door at the dead of night was one of his favorites. Funnier still when one of the other children who would pick and beat on him had an accident in alchemy class. His jokes would progress further until it was decided by the council that he was to be cast out for the sake of the sanctity of the Abbey. That is when the Grey Jester the source of the ideas for his jokes, Pointed him towards Ioth Academy saying this is where the grandest of Jokes would be performed.

The Jester promised that this grand joke would help destroy all those who have wronged Buta. So long as it was promised that Buta would carry out the Jesters will. Buta being young, Naive and hateful foolishly agreed. Which he would later regret when the Jester started to show its true colors.
Buta may come across as a bit of a messed-up person but will do what he can to help his fellow outsiders and those too weak to help themselves and will vow to make those that have made them as such pay. Buta may not have many friends but those he has he will protect and help even if the Jester might disagree.