Taking Umbrage with a Hill by Tuath | World Anvil

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Fri 17th Jul 2020 04:58

Taking Umbrage with a Hill

by Tuath Dé Danann

Killed my first manticore. Which almost killed our noble cleric, who, nobly, ran out to attack it, and nobly, took a tail spike to the chest and fell over. The mage was muttering in the bushes and was pretty worthless as far as I can tell, while Blithe and I alternately shot it with our arrows and, ignobly (but perhaps more wisely), ran away for cover for our next shot. A dwarf happened by who threw some sticks at the manticore, which was a nice gesture all things considered. Still not sure I trust him completely, but he threw in with our lot, and, frankly, we could use the extra muscle. And truly, he doesn't seem a bad sort per say; i'm just naturally distrustful. I don't distrust him more than usual, I guess.

When all was said and done, the cleric managed to not quite die, and we did meet up with the quirky herbalist Attabra, who, after being rescued from the manticore (and, admittedly, giving the cleric a potion to get him on his feet), offered to sell us additional potions for... 50gp. Rescues don't pay like they used to.

She elected to not come back to town, but the cleric did secure a note to that effect which we took back to the brave town master, and we got paid, so there's that. We did take the time to do some repairs to her house so she would be that little bit safer, but it wouldn't withstand any real onslaught. Maybe she can throw a potion and some herbs at the next raiding monster. I'm probably being too critical, and in the end, she *did* give us a couple healing potions, which was appreciated. She's close enough to town that I might just sneak over there from time to time to make sure I don't see evidence of anything prowling around the area.

We managed to salvage some bits off the manticore, including a wing which I'd really like to fashion into a cloak for Blithe, time and skill permitting. I've heard that it may hold some properties that would make it more useful than just something to shed water. I want to research that more.

Back in town, the cleric busied himself with various religious recruiting while he healed, and I fletched a couple arrows to replenish the quiver and tended to the hide from the wing so it won't rot. The party is agreed to take on the next job for the town master, which will be a return back to the mining community the dwarf just came from. Of note, there are rumors of orc raids from the mountain in that area, and secretly I am hoping we come upon them when we are in the area. Suppose you gotta be careful what you wish for, but there it is. Also worth noting that Attabra's explanation of why the Manticore ventured this far out of the wild may lend credence to the idea of a dragon in the area. I will be watching the skies.

Continue reading...

  1. Taking Umbrage with a Hill
  2. OF Dwarves and Underground Evil Temples and Slimes
  3. On Death and Dying and Evil Dwarven Oooze
  4. Of Running Away and Running Errands: Chapter Five in the only True and Accurate History of the Band of Adventurers.
  5. Of Dwarves and Orcs and Death and Arrows and Axes: Chapter 4 of The True and Accurate Version of the Continuing Adventures of the Ever-Evolving Party
  6. Of Supplieses and Surprises: Chapter 5 in the ongoing True and Accurate account of our band of brothers
  7. Of Dragons and Dwarves and Destruction: Chapter 6 in the continuing True and Accurate Tales of the Band of Adventurers
  8. Of babysitting shithead uppity dicks and baffling failure against new Foes: Chapter Seven in the continuing saga of the Ruckus Crew
  9. Of Disaster and Running Away for a Second Time: a repeat tale of Best Laid Plans, Damage-Proof Critters, Repeated Failure, and Tucking of Tails
  10. Of Information, Silver, and Revenge: Changing plans and getting our own back against the bitey creatures
  11. Of Reckless Abandon, Reckless Endangerment, and some Very Fine Days in the Forests and Mountains
  12. Of Scouting and Orcs and Scouting and Bears and Scouting and Giants and Scouting and Hobgoblins and Scouting and Goats and Scouting and Chimneys and Exploring and Spiders
  13. Of Undead Hordes and Almost Dead Adventurers
  14. Of Saving Humans, Swatting Mosquitos, "I'm not Scared, You're Scared" game with Banshees, and Harbin Fucking Wester
  15. Addendum: Of Infinite Pools of Living Liquid, Dark Visions, And a Growing Fog of Evil
  16. Of Tracking and Human Trafficking and Things That Never Die
  17. Of Moss Terrors, Monsters with One Body and Two Heads, and Monsters with One Head, but Two Bodies.
  18. Of Breaking and Entering, Obstinate Dwarves, Fighting Outside Our Element, and Pillow Fights with Critters that Don't Die.
  19. Of Long Rests That Really Aren't All That Restful
  20. Of the Search for Things that Burn, and the Search for Things to Burn