Session 1 - Beyond the Witchlight by Korashana | World Anvil
Sun 30th Jan 2022 05:55

Session 1 - Beyond the Witchlight

by Witchlight Monarch Korashana Valren

Madryck Roslof, Warlock of Zybilna (an archfey), is an expert on Prismeer, primary domain of the Feywild. Madryck has not been to Prismeer in many years.
His quest for us: He will provide information to get into the Feywild, if we go to Prismeer and discover what happened to Zybilna.
Each of us has something that we're missing from deals with a Fae, so we're all motivated to get there.

Here's the quote from our GM (I don't want to miss anything so I'm keeping it here):
"Through personal connections, extensive research, or by happenstance alone, you have arranged to meet with a man named Madryck Roslof. From what you have learned of him, he is the foremost expert on Prismeer, the primary domain of the Feywild. As a warlock of Zybilna, an archfey, his knowledge of the Feywild is considerable. Though he has not traveled to Prismeer himself in many years, he is well-versed in its mysteries.
"Having heard your tale, Madryck has offered to assist you in your quest in exchange for your services. He has explained that he’s been unable to connect to Zybilna for nearly a year. He fears something terrible may have befallen her. In exchange for his guidance on how to locate a fey crossing—a passageway into the Feywild— he has asked that you travel to Prismeer and discover what has happened to his patron.
"After securing your agreement, Madryck has provided you the location of the Witchlight Carnival. He’s explained that the carnival appears in Faerun once every eight years and stays only a limited time before disappearing again. This will be your only opportunity to use the crossing before the carnival moves on to its next destination and vanishes for another eight years.
Though he can provide the location of the portal—the passage is found in the Hall of Illusions—he cautions that its use is protected by a magical incantation known only to the carnival’s owners, Mister Witch and Mister Light. While you’ll have to figure out a way to get the information you need to use the crossing successfully, Madryck has promised help. You are to appear at the Witchlight Carnival on a specified night and meet with one of the Witchlight Hands.
"Madryck has promised that this individual shares your desire to access the Feywild and has been working at the carnival for some time in an attempt to find a way to do so. They will be able to aid you in navigating the Witchlight Carnival and can provide guidance in your efforts to obtain the incantation that will allow you to use the crossing."

As we approach the Carnival, we notice a river that wasn't there before.
A goblinoid with fairy wings (Nicholas Midnight) is manning the ticket booth. Andra asks for the on-call tickets.
Cirian was wearing deep red wings that match his coat.
Andra has black hair with wisps of white. Copper skin, golden eyes, 5'5", lither, and wearing dark brown leather armor.
Keaton ....?
Korashana picked out purple glittery wings for her ticket.

Ernest, who was running the calliope, is wearing a coat with buttons of all shapes and sizes. Suggests that Cirian take us to the BubblePop Teapot.

Goblin wearing yellow butterfly wings, named Trinklewise, is manning the BubblePop Teapot.
Cirian goes first.
Andra goes next. Trinklewise punches a butterfly on her ticket and says, "7 left!"
Korashana goes next.
Keaton goes last.
Things the group noticed while flying across the Carnival:
  • Man in a gray suit outside the Big Top

  • Beast of some size (aka large) is pacing back and forth by the Calliope

  • Massive feast is going on at the far area

  • two people in the staffing area are having an argument

  • After making our way over to Lost Items, Cirian introduced us to Dolgren, a massive panther with wings resting by Lost Items and the Calliope. A tentacle rubs its eyes. He tells us that Mr. Witch and Mr. Light will be crowning the Witchlight Monarch tonight. We step inside the Lost Items caravan for a little privacy.
    Inside is a chest with 5 trinkets inside: a set of dice, a hooded lantern, a piece of wood with a feather burnt into it, a necklace with a theater masks pendant, and a crystalline bottle with a stopper on top. Andra picks up the dice, Keaton: the lantern, Cirian: the necklace, and Korashana: the feather.
    Inside, we come up with a plan to steal the watch or scepter and blackmail Mr. Witch and Mr. Light into letting us pass into the Feywild. However, both the watch and scepter are kept close and will be incredibly difficult to acquire.
    We're also told that Dianah Clompington (F) and Candlefoot (M) are looking sad. Dianah is near the carousel and Candlefoot is in the Hall of Illusions. We choose to visit Dianah first.

    Approaching the unicorn carousel, we see a centaur wearing blue and black vibrant wings, Dianah. She treats the unicorns as real creatures and tells us that they have high senses and can tell what's happening at the carnival. They are losing themselves. Dianah thinks that we could help them if only we could return their names to them.
    6 pairs - one has their name emblazoned on them, the others have been scratched out, old, worn down, etc.
    XXXXXX & Conquer - Andra gives Divide their name
    Smoke & XXXXXXX -- Korashana gives Mirrors their name
    XXXX & Present - Keaton gives Past their name
    Sickness & XXXXXX - We also name Health
    XXXXX & Ivory - Cirian names Ebony
    Skull & XXXXXXXXXX - We also name Crossbones
    As we ride, we're given a vision of fields & oceans across vast territories and can hear the unicorns whisper...
    Korashana hears: "Coven has taken power. Hourglass Coven reins over all."
    Andra hears: "Zybilna sleep frozen, locked away."
    Keaton hears: "Realm has been split into 3: hither, thither, and yon."
    Cirian hears: "Endelyn Moongrave holds your fate in her hands, be wary!"
    The Unicorns and Dianah are happy now. :)

    Next, we go to the Dragonfly Rides. A tree, Northwind, bars the path until we get our tickets punched. Andra gets a sample flight for 10 minutes, first 2 minutes with no direction.
    According to Northwind, "Zybilna is a just and kind ruler."
    He also said, "Be polite-no one likes a liar, no one likes a thief. If you treat people well, they'll treat you kindly in turn." Druid Master taught Red (the squirrel) to talk.
    Both Mr. Witch and Mr. Light are at the Carnival today. There's been a difficulty with thieves (there are three). The girl with pale skin & pig mask took someone's ring.
    Apparently, Mr. Witch and Mr. Light aren't the original owners but they are older than Drahlgon.
    Candlefoot knows whose in and out. Everyone except Cirian rides the Dragonflies. Afterwards, Northwind gives Korashana a paper pouch/envelope of pixie dust.

    From the Dragonfly Ride, we go to the Feasting Orchard. We meet Grover, the head chef whose tummy is barely covered by his apron, and Eliwick, the Mistress of the Grove.
    Lithe female form with lute emerges, hands a potion bottle to someone at the table.
    We're invited to participate in the next Cupcake Eating Competition. Warm cupcakes are placed in front of us.
    DC 10 for each cupcake consumed. If you fail, it's 1d8 custard damage. Nat 1's are double damage. Korashana does well until round 14 where she doubles her custard damage. By round 18, she's KOed. Cirian wins the Cupcake Eating Competition!
    We're told that Trinklewise (the goblin at the BubblePop Teapot) is keeping their new tea a secret. (Could Trinklewise have traded for the best recipe? We won't know now.)
    Candlefoot was going to propose on gondola swans while singing but his voice is gone now. She recommended tea and rest.

    We go to the Swans. Swans are leading gondolas draped in flowers.
    A silver mist hovers and the swans lead and disappear into the mist.
    Aarakocra (F and swanlike) addresses us. Her name is Featherine, Mistress of Romance. She flirts with Keaton and asks him to return to her.

    With 6 tickets punches left, we see a small crowd entertained by Ernest. Ernest is playing the Calliope while Ladybugs fly around in patterns. In the crowd, they see an individual, frog-like with goggles, who seems out of place - he's not wearing wings. He's one of the three thieves. (toad-like creature with long limbs, woman in dark clothing with a crescent moon mask, and gray-skinned girl with a pig mask)
    Did Cirian escort him out this time?

    Next, we visit the Pixie Kingdom. This area is a small replica of the Witchlight Carnival. We're greeted by Jeremy Plum, a pixie in emerald green. He gave each of us a blueberry sized fruit. After we eat it, we grow smaller, barely 6" tall. We're allowed to pick fairy names. Korashana picks Peppermint Tea. Keaton picks ____ Cozy Jacket. Andra picks Spritely June Bug. Cirian?
    Here, we play Hide & Seek. Honey Mint and Starbug are our Seekers. For winning, I was awarded a cuddly toy spider (gives owner Spider Climb for 1 hour. One Use Only.)
    The Ferris Wheel is a Hamster Wheel. It's fun.
    Korashana bows to Plum before he leaves. We all eat red berries to get larger.

    Snail Racing is next. It's run by 2 goblins, Wizzy and ???.
    We shrink down and are brought in front of seven snails. Shelly Moo, Rumblefoot, HighRoad, Quick Leaf (who Cirian picks - green leaf and flames shell), Flower Flash (Korashana - purple and teal shell), Queens Majesty (Andra - lapis lazuli with gold veining), and Break Neck (Keaton - green and yellow).
    Keaton wins! And gains a potion of advantage. We get magic wands with dancing light cantrip (one use only).
    During the celebration, Keaton sees the froggy individual wandering the thoroughfare.

    Mystery Mines - Mage says face your fears. Uses a bat hole punch for the tickets. It's intense but Korashana gets through it no problem.

    We explore some of the other attractions. Cirian does the ring toss. Keaton plays Catch the Dragon. Andra and Cirian do Gnome Pottery. Korashana Wrestles a Goblin and Outstares a Cyclops. Keaton Guesses the Number of Feathers.
    Korashana wins a single application of magic face paint from the Cyclops and gets a consolation prize from the Goblin of a unicorn horn filled with candy.