Protector Anarion Hrivion | World Anvil

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Protector Anarion Hrivion

Elf ()
Paladin 6
Rogue 2
107 / 107 HP

Elven Rogue/Oath of Vengeance Paladin

Campaign & Party

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Sat 6th Mar 2021 07:24

Myconid? No, perhaps Yourconid...

by Protector Anarion Hrivion

After convincing the Myconids that we came in peace (thanks to Wil's OUTSIDE voice) we managed to make contact with King Myconid Rysetta. After discussing options of obtaining the piece of the shards of day that he had, it was determined if we helped to get a sample of the "Grief Giver's" (Ilithid) poison powder for him to create an antidote, he would give us what we were looking for. After a day of purifying their water as best we could and Cablass brewing some healing potions, we set out with Myconid guides across their vast territory.
A day's walk later we arrive at the border, and the crumbling stairwell that is the "shortcut" to the "tentacled-ones." We stopped to make camp and take a rest and then it took a day to traverse the brokendown stairwell to the bottom. Again setting up camp and resting prior to setting out again, a fearful Cablass still acting as our guide. We are preparing to invade the colony of the "tentacled-ones" the "Grief Givers" and I find myself a bit apprehensive about this task...

Anarion's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Anarion's history, from the beginning to today.

Gas Spores, Unicorns and Duergar... Oh My!

The cries of terror we heard were linked to one of the Svirfneblin that had been separated from their group. Upon investigating through a peek hole, there were 3 gas spores terrorizing the gnome. Volkin didn't want to wait for a plan, so Anarion obliged...

06:59 pm - 30.01.2021

I don't wanna eat these vegetables...

After returning the gnomes to their enclave, Anraion negotiates with Irzangle for information on the Shards of the Day. He learns that the Drow have the "Starry blade" and may be worshipping it. The "Bright blade" is kept by the fishmen, and another pie...

08:25 pm - 06.02.2021

Myconid? No, perhaps Yourconid...

After convincing the Myconids that we came in peace (thanks to Wil's OUTSIDE voice) we managed to make contact with King Myconid Rysetta. After discussing options of obtaining the piece of the shards of day that he had, it was determined if we helped to ...

07:24 pm - 06.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Anarion.

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