Harvoni Bodma | World Anvil

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Harvoni Bodma

True Neutral* Shifter (Apothecary)
Druid 4
35 / 35 HP

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Other characters
Thu 30th May 2024 11:09

The Brawls inside The Bunker - Session 6b

by Harvoni Bodma

Session 6b - 05/30/2024
***the story so far***
The Razor Vine collapses under its own weight, shattering the well's stones around it, falling into a deep hole, crashing into the bottom. Its vines and roots seem to provide a pathway down.
Seeing nothing left to do, we take a short rest, and descend into the fountain hole.
We find ourselves in a bunker.
As we start to push through the bunker, our Warforged Interceptor friend, Mert, feels uneasy. As I step into one of the adjacent rooms, the plants within my vision do not feel natural - these are engineering plants, reminiscent of the Razor Vine we fought earlier. These plants are found in jungles, dense forests - why these are down here is strange. Mert indicates there's an underground river below the bunker system. Mert says this river leads back to Utdanning.
We enter into a storage room, nothing seems to crazy about this room, other than the fair amount of containers in front of us. Some of the crates contain Druggardust, which is a known hallucinogenic. Not really sure what else it does.
Roger decides to snort the Druggardust.... doesn't seem to do anything to Roger, but was incredibly strange to witness.
Back in the adjacent room, we find a locked door. Will tries to cast Firebolt, and hits the door. The door is now on fire.
We enter into an Armory, and are greeted by sets of armor and weapon racks.
I notice a set of studded armor, and equip it.
. 7
Medium Armor 15DEX (max 1)
Gain the ability to use two handed weapons while using a shield medium or smaller
Ranged weapons and throwing attacks have half range
As Roger takes the second set of armor, the door we burned down *magically* reappears. (????)
As Diaga strikes the door, there's eyes upon the door. We look around the room, and something feels *wrong*.

  • Roger summons his greataxe.

  • Diaga destroys the door.

  • Willow casts Firebolt on the mimic chest between Roger and I, dealing some damage.

  • I cast Poison Spray on the mimic chest, but don't manage to hit it.

  • The Mimics swarm us, but manage to swing at empty air.

  • More Mimics approach and deal insane damage, as they have morphed into a glaive and a warpick.

  • Roger and Diaga manage to crush one of the Mimics together.

  • Willow and I target one of the retreating Mimics, dealing some fire and poison damage.

  • The third Mimic transforms into a boomerang, flinging themselves at Diaga, who ducks the attack, but it flies past and hits ME in the head. It doesn't hurt a lot, but leaves a mark.

  • The Mimic in front me transforms into a whip, aims for Willow, and entangles Willow.

  • I aim for the Mimic entangling Willow, and manage to get a little bit of a poison cloud out.

  • I manage to handle the whippersnapper Mimic, and turn it into a puddle of goo by firing an effective Poison Spray.

  • One of the Mimics tries to plead for its life, as Roger swings mightily with his greataxe, splitting the Mimic in two.

    Looting the corpses of the Mimics, I gain:
    +1 flesh (+1)
    +1 eyes (+2)
    Entering the last door, we accidentally spot some clan thugs chilling in a room. Despite us quickly shutting the door, the clan thugs chatter about investigating the door. We prepare for the impending fight.
  • We all step in through the door, knocking the Clan Thug at the door prone. I transform into a Dire Wolf, and keenly aware of the other enemies in the room, Bite down onto the Clan Thug, shacking my head back and forth, tearing his torso into two.

  • The Thugs attack, knocking Mert Prone.

  • I flank the Interceptor attacking Willow, and chomp down, but the Interceptor manages to react to this and skedaddle out of Dodge.

  • Mert and Diaga target one of the Clan Thugs who retreated up in the corner.

  • Somehow, the Interceptor managed to get webbed.

  • Willow gets poisoned.

  • I move to help attack the Warforged messing up Willow.

  • Mert, tragically, loses his life in combat.

  • Seizing the opportunity, I Bite the Warforged in front of Willow, severing its life in two.

  • The remaining Clan Thugs fall at the hands of Willow, Diaga, and Roger.

    I approach the Warforged Trenchman that hangs in the back of the room - this is one of the Trenchman from the Train Battle.
    Convincing the Trenchman to spill the beans, we learn about the raids for Druggardust, and the location in the Northeast corner of the caves.
    I ask the Trenchman, "Does this hurt?" As I cup the Trenchman's head, and inject Poison Spray, melting its face to oblivion, as it utters with its dying breath "Noooo"
    I manage to loot:
    +1 tin (-1)
    +1 flesh (+1)
    There's a main room that's vaguely cave-like, with a wooden tower in the center. This seems like an important room...
    There's a room on the southern end of the cave - we enter it, and find a Fulguro flower, which has the intrinsic properties of glowing when its dark inside. This flower is commonly used by druids to light the streets at night. I manage to extract some pollen.
    As we slowly traverse the cave, Diaga and Willow spot a creature in the distance that melts in the in the distance, as Roger and I watch them *plunge* into magical darkness.
  • I can't put my finger on these creatures, I don't recognize them.

  • As Diaga and Willow get plunged into magical darkness, its hard to make out what is happening within the area.

  • All of a sudden, the magical darkness fades, with Diaga in the center, and a creature lying dead in front of him.

  • Seeing a Shadow, I transform into a Dire Wolf, and charge at the creature, using Bite to inflict damage.

  • Roger squares up and fires off a little Eldritch Blast.

  • I feel a little wolfy chill (despite my coat of fur) as the Shadow disengages from the attacks.

  • The second Shade slaps me with its Tendril Whip, and in retaliation, Roger and I surround it, as I Bite into a solid mass, that doesn't seem to fade away.

  • I'm rendered into a less-than corporeal form, but I angrily smell beef, and chomp down on the beef. I'm able to land a Bite, and deal the finishing blow to the second Shade Devil.

    Inspecting the final door, Willow presses both plants into the door, as the door slowly transforms with a "click!". As the door opens up, we spot a man in the bottom corner, who starts spewing hatred phrases towards the Vomethndans.
    Spotting Willow, the strange man remarks why Willow is here, and mentions this is why Willow is "blacklisted" (???????????????????). Willow doesn't seem to understand this "blacklisting".
    Roger seems to be gripping his weapon very tightly.
    As Roger swings at the man,
  • The strange man gets flanked by Roger and Diaga.

  • This strange man shoots vines directly out of his body, transforming into a Razor Vine.

  • Surviving a dangerous slam, I retaliate with Ice Knife, dealing a perfect hit, knocking the man out of the Vine form. Roger and Diaga follow up.

  • In response, the strange man summons a cloud and throws up a potion, it seems like acid rain, but turns Roger into a stone statue.

  • The strange man also summons thick vines that make terrain rough.

  • Its hard to tell what Willow and Diaga do, but they manage to slow him down.

  • As I step 5 feet within the thick vines, I manage to gain vision of the strange man, and fire off one last Ice Knife, piercing his chest, rendering him lifeless on the floor of his dungeon.

  • All the spells dispel, and Roger becomes de-stoned.

    As we investigate the strange man's body, we find Uta's missing pass. (yay!!)
    I also take:
  • Soulbond Potion: A viridian liquid, thick and sparkling that never seems to settle. Requires two creatures to take effect. For 1 hour both creatures gain a combined health pool, share statuses, and can cast message at will. The effect ends when the creatures become unconscious, or they are further than 150ft apart.

  • Healing Potion: A revolting green sludge with an occasional chunk in a clear glass bottle. Drink the contents of the bottle to regain up to 2d4+prof. HP. At higher levels. When this potion is crafted at higher levels you regain 3d4+prof. HP (2nd level) or 5d4+prof. HP (3rd level).

  • Harvoni's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    The major events and journals in Harvoni's history, from the beginning to today.

    The Brawls inside The Bunker - Session 6b

    Session 6b - 05/30/2024 ***the story so far*** The Razor Vine collapses under its own weight, shattering the well's stones around it, falling into a deep hole, crashing into the bottom. Its vines and roots seem to provide a pathway down. Seeing nothing...

    05:13 am - 31.05.2024

    The Brawls inside The Bunker - Session 7

    Session 7 - 05/30/2024 ***the story so far*** The Razor Vine collapses under its own weight, shattering the well's stones around it, falling into a deep hole, crashing into the bottom. Its vines and roots seem to provide a pathway down. Seeing nothing ...

    05:13 am - 31.05.2024

    ??? - Session 7

    Session 7 - 05/30/2024 ***the story so far*** The Razor Vine collapses under its own weight, shattering the well's stones around it, falling into a deep hole, crashing into the bottom. Its vines and roots seem to provide a pathway down. Seeing nothing ...

    05:12 am - 31.05.2024

    Undergrowth's Lair

    Defeat Undergrowth, a Razor Vine Abomination guarding the center of the Raseri Insurgent Camp. What lies in the bunker below...

    04:51 am - 27.05.2024

    The Weedy Raseri Clan - Session 6

    Session 6 - 05/26/2024 ***the story so far*** Willow managed to rent a house for the night, acting incredibly self-centered (bit unusual..) but managed to get some eggs. Diaga and Roger are harvesting arcsthetics off Totfram, who apparantly died from Ut...

    04:50 am - 27.05.2024

    ??? - Session 6

    Session 6 - 05/26/2024 ***the story so far*** Willow managed to rent a house for the night, acting incredibly self-centered (bit unusual..) but managed to get some eggs. Diaga and Roger are harvesting arcsthetics off Totfram, who apparantly died from Ut...

    04:49 am - 27.05.2024

    Session 6: Little Camp of Horrors

    11:57 pm - 26.05.2024

    The Doorsteps of Twlight

    Survive a nighttime battle against the gangs of Utdanning.

    04:09 am - 13.05.2024

    "I'm getting Eiffel Tower'd"

    04:08 am - 13.05.2024

    "Are you on your knees?" - Dungeon Master Austin "***I'm on my knees***" -Roger >Roger gains 3 Gold Pieces

    04:07 am - 13.05.2024

    The Twilight Tussle with Totfram - Session 5

    Session 5 - 05/12/2024 ***the story so far*** We remember that Dr Motby had huddled away in the first car, and console him, letting him know the attack is over. We take a short rest. As we pull into the Mellerst Rail Station, the guards are shocked to...

    04:05 am - 13.05.2024

    Party 2 Session 5: The Gangs of Utdanning

    04:02 am - 13.05.2024

    Party 2 Session 5: The Gangs of Utdanning

    10:15 pm - 12.05.2024

    Welcome to Utdanning!

    Make it to the Mellerst Rail Station in Utdanning ... did you have a safe ride?

    11:43 pm - 05.05.2024

    "Get Eiffel Tower'd"

    11:39 pm - 05.05.2024

    "He finds himself in the piss pit"

    11:39 pm - 05.05.2024

    "If there's anything I'd know, its racist old men."

    11:38 pm - 05.05.2024

    "Can i pull something out of my ass?"

    11:38 pm - 05.05.2024

    Them Warforged robots really tore up that train car

    11:36 pm - 05.05.2024

    Session 4: Its Always Sunny in Utdanning

    11:36 pm - 05.05.2024

    The Journey to Utdanning - Session 4

    Session 3 - 5/5/2024 ***the story so far*** We crest over a hill, and the small town Tralljór is lit up by the sunset - the band starts clapping and cheering (finally, an actual town). As we trudge on forward, we hear the sound of a rumbling engine - t...

    11:35 pm - 05.05.2024

    Session 4: Its Always Sunny in Utdanning

    06:12 pm - 05.05.2024

    A Mysterious Bowling Ball . . .

    LORE UNLOCKED - The Harp Bow, a legend told to children about a legendary bow & arrow that could put any enemy to sleep, might actually be real?

    03:28 am - 29.04.2024

    "I don't have any toes"

    03:24 am - 29.04.2024

    Session 3: Station to Station

    03:22 am - 29.04.2024

    The Bird and the Boreworm - Session 3

    Session 3 - 4/28/2024 ***the story so far*** Sensing a potential Ezlekhian invasion if we stay the night, we hike alongside the wagon with the rest of the band members, and we head north, hoping that nothing else comes to attack us. Lieutenant Sune, a l...

    03:22 am - 29.04.2024

    Session 3: Station to Station

    11:04 pm - 28.04.2024

    Session 2: The Climb

    05:23 am - 20.04.2024

    Session 2: The Climb

    05:23 am - 20.04.2024

    Diaga, on resource gathering roll 201 of the session thus far: - Lukas Johannsen

    05:03 am - 20.04.2024


    Slaughter a boatload of Blights.

    05:02 am - 20.04.2024

    The Fight of the Blights - Session 2

    Session 2 - 4/19/2024 *the story so far . . .* Captain Osman offered us some supplies from a crate they had lying around in the camp. We're asked to gather some firewood out in the forest - in exchange for doing so, we ask for protection for our bardi...

    05:01 am - 20.04.2024

    The First Night

    Session 1 - 4/14/2024 I find myself in a wagon filled with dwarves and other members whose names I don't know. Brynhil is playing a panflute, a dwarf named Tseren is playing a triangle, Chono plays a lute, and a dragonborn named Quen who plays a saxopho...

    02:54 am - 15.04.2024

    Green Eggs and Ham

    Successfully kill a bovine using Poison Spray and loot it for parts.

    02:51 am - 15.04.2024

    The first night was strange - met some cool adventurers and utterly annihilated some boars. Poison spray really comes in handy to assert dominance on bovines.

    02:45 am - 15.04.2024

    Session 1: Another Way Out

    02:10 am - 15.04.2024

    Session 1: Another Way Out

    02:10 am - 15.04.2024

    "yes, i have tits"

    03:01 am - 08.04.2024

    Welcome In!!

    Achievement Get: Become birthed into the world of Aekko

    02:53 am - 08.04.2024

    damn i really wanna fuck some witches

    02:51 am - 08.04.2024

    PSA! Remember to pick up your trash and #LeaveNoTrailBehind #KeepNatureBeautifuL

    02:48 am - 08.04.2024

    Just birthed, feeling good ! Ready to slay some witches and lay some bitches... or is it lay some witches and slay some bitches? Either way, newly single and ready to... mingle?

    02:40 am - 08.04.2024

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Harvoni.

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    Other Characters by ActuallyMage