Add commenting on parts of a scene for editors/beta readers/writers | World Anvil

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Add commenting on parts of a scene for editors/beta readers/writers

New Feature Addition · Manuscripts · Created by Nahbyr
annotations -manuscript -scene

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

It would be great if I could add annotations to words, paragraphs or any other selection within the scene and attach a comment to rework at a later date. For example "Do not like this word. Needs better synonym." or "This paragraph feels forced. Needs a rewrite." As personal reminders. Maybe even include an overview page of annotations made and a link directly to that scene/scroll to that text and maybe highlight it. Something like what you have in Word and Google Docs like in [url:]this image .  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

It would be great to be reminded of things I need to fix in a scene and not have to write it all inside the notes box for the entire scene. While it does work as a reminder, it loses the link to the specific text that needs fixing.  

What are other uses for this feature request?

  • Add the ability for your co-writers and editors to add annotations. This would allow the writer(s) to fix things in an orderly fashion. Make it so co-writers and editors can see annotations made by the others so they don't repeat the same annotation. And maybe label it accordingly so it's clear an editor made a suggestion vs a co-writer.
  • Add beta readers to this list and they can then tell you what parts feel awkward etc. I would suggest not allowing them to see others' annotations to keep it the same to all so that if only 1 out of a million (I'm exagerating, but you get what I mean) reports something, it won't have the same weight as everyone reporting something. People might also be biased and agree with something if they can read what other's said. You'll want an unbiased opinion.
  • Maybe (in an advanced version) add the ability for your editors to suggest a replacement or correct a sentence/word. And then an 'ok' or checkmark button to allow the correction to transfer to the specific scene text. That way you won't have to write their suggestion when they've already done it and you can quickly go through annotations if you have good editors.
  • (Advanced version again) Add ability to open a private thread about an annotation in case it needs more discussing or clarification. Sort of forum style, but private to that specific annotation creator and main writer(s) or include everyone in the discussion. I would've suggested a comment-style response, but that might turn a single annotation into a long comment string. It would be better and cleaner if it were in a forum style instead. But there are alternatives worth exploring. Make it give a notification that a thread has been opened so people see it and can give their input in a timely fashion.
  • If you trust your paying readers enough, give them the option to mark text or suggest fixes for mistakes still in your chapters. Sort of like 'Suggest edits' does on Royalroad.
  • Probably many things smarter people come up with.

The Team's Response

Very low support for quite an involved and difficult to implement corrrectly feature. Probably something to implemented on the second or third version of Manuscripts
Current score

45/300 Votes · +6260 points

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