Notify fellow co-authors/world owners about changes made to an article | World Anvil

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Notify fellow co-authors/world owners about changes made to an article

New Feature Addition · World management · Created by Pierrot05

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

When editing a world with other authors, I noticed that I could only notify them via discord. While this isn't a bother, it's kind of an interruption to my (and others') work, since we need to get out of WA to type 'I changed x in y article'.

Ideally, there would be an option to notify the world's authors and owners, much like there is a 'Notify followers' option.    

How does this feature request address the current situation?

As I see it, it would greatly improve communication between authors, since they would get a quick notification when changes are made to an article. Likewise, they'd be able to notify others of changes made to the world right from WA instead of having to write discord messages/e-mails/etc.    

What are other uses for this feature request?

The notification option would also allow for quick questions, e.g an author asking others 'I don't know what to write in this part', and send them to everyone invovled in the project.

This would be a great addition to WorldAnvil, and I'm sure it would greatly benefit those with collaborative projects

The Team's Response

This suggestion did not reach the required support to be considered.   Having said that this is a very small change it will be accepted with low priority due to the very low support by the community
Current score

46/300 Votes · +4250 points

Votes Cast