Please add options for better quick in-line text formatting in Notebooks | World Anvil

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Please add options for better quick in-line text formatting in Notebooks

User Interface (UI) / User Experience (UX) · Notebook · Created by nonplayer
notebook markdown markup formatting in-line-editing

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

  Entering quick notes on the fly is a must for running RP-heavy, ad-lib seat-of-the-pants campaign sessions. When you're in a good moment, and you need to jot a note real quick, you want to be able to do it, well, real quick.   The problem here comes when you want to apply even a small amount of formatting to a note. First of all, there's no editing toolbar, so you have to manually type in the opening and closing tags every time. Second, the text entry doesn't recognize natural line breaks, so if you forget to double-return after every line, your viewed note is turned into one single long run-on paragraph. But if you do double-space, the editing screen then takes up a lot more vertical screen space than it sensibly should.   A simpler in-line markup function would be an amazing addition to the Notebook system. I still deeply lament the loss of Markdown here, it hurts to the core. Bullet lists, for example, are as simple to add in Markdown as just adding an asterisk at the start of a line, making it quick and easy to do while you are in the middle of writing your notes. The steps in BBCode, however, are a multi-layered chore that are almost always better left for adding afterward.    

How does this feature request address the current situation?

  Non-BBCode In-line markup shortcuts would make adding formatted notes on the fly a much cleaner, neater, and faster experience.    

What are other uses for this feature request?

  I'm mainly looking at the Notebooks, but ideally better quick in-line markup options would be great for the website as a whole, and would save many hours of time currently spent wrestling with the limitations of WYSIWYG BBCode-based formatting.

The Team's Response

I am really sorry but this received very low to no support from the rest of the community. I would be happy to see this again in the future being suggested but also I would like to say that the notebook was never meant to be a system to format heavily but more to keep quick notes.   The more editing is done the less easy it will be for this tool to become part of the upcoming app.
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33/300 Votes · +4470 points

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