Stream stubocalypse | World Anvil

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Etrea Update Feb 2024

I have officially squashed two hundred stubs.
  And have over a hundred more than I started with, but you know. Sisyphus, like I said before.
  I am still mired in the Atlas category, but I have two more stubs left before I leave Serukis behind and move onto Zenra, and then I'll be travelling to a new continent. Looking forward to moving onto Geography, though.
  As well as the stubs, I'm also working on the Cabinet of Curiosities challenge, exploring the contents of the Royal Arcanum in Kaien. I am also working on a prompt article for mushrooms, which is more than half done, and I hope I will get to share with you soon.
  I am also working on the main article for Serukis (which I am named for, not the other way around). I have just about finished the first section and it's almost at 2000 words... so expect a chonker.
  In other news, I recently received the Human of the Match award for WorldEmber 2023, and I cried when I heard my name. This community is so important to me and I'm glad that people feel I am giving back, even just a little.
  Hope you're all having a good year so far! :)
  #stubocalypse #cabinetofcuriosities #mushrooms #etrea #serukis

WorldEmber and the Stubocalypse

With 26k words and 118 enhanced stubs written, I am declaring my WorldEmber finished. I have had an absolutely amazing time this WE, and it more than makes up for the failures of the previous two years. XD
  I am about three quarters of the way through the Atlas category and looking forward to continuing to work on it. It's been so lovely having my creativity and excitement back.
  I haven't been notifying this WE, but if you are interested in what I have been working on, they are all linked at the bottom of this article:
WorldEmber 2023
Generic article | Dec 30, 2023

A pledge and preparation for WorldEmber 2023.

  Thank you all for all the amazing reads this WorldEmber too! It has been a delight! :)
  #WorldEmber #stubocalypse


You might not have seen much from me lately, but that's because I am currently busy working on a big project: the stubocalypse. (Idea stolen shamelessly from Han.)
  For every stub in my world, I am writing between 100-200 words and publishing it, including a header and an excerpt. This means my world won't be full of dead links and there is some basic information for readers. :)
  My plan is to work on this until the new year, and in the new year I will get back to working on proper articles alongside stubs.
  Currently, I have enhanced 27 stubs, and I have 1279 stubs to go. Sadly, I keep making more stubs as I am enhancing stubs, so we'll see if that number goes down or if I am doomed to be Sisyphys.
  Here are a couple of my favourite enhanced stubs so far, as I'm not notifying them.
The Valen
Ethnicity | Nov 27, 2023

Often called 'the ghost men' by outsiders, the people of the island of Vale are an isolated culture who make their home amongst ancient and twisted forests.

The Gravelanders
Ethnicity | Nov 27, 2023

The Gravelanders are a group of humans that live in the swamps known as the Gravelands in western Kaien. To outsiders, they are considered to be Kaienese, but the Gravelanders consider themselves as separate and not beholden to Kaienese laws.

  Feel free to join if you like! :)

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