Overcasting - House Rule

House Rule

Benders often push the their powers to the very limits of mind, body, spirit, and very existence as they try to alter the void to their own will. This can tear apart the body, mind, and soul, or even the existence of the bender within the void itself.   The risk from overcasting varies the degree that the bender is trying to shape the void. Overcasting a cantrip might be a little effect, yet risk always exist.   (This House rule is subject to alterations as it is play tested further)

Overcasting occurs:

  • When a bender casts a spell outside the spell description (i.e., casting snare, when not near the target, trying to magically have the rope knot work NOT via touch)
  • When the character is out of spell slots in that level, and casts a known spell within that level. This shows the character has not allowed his body and mind to recover properly.
  • When a character casts a known spell ABOVE their allowable spell slot
  • When a character casts a spell outside their allowable class, add +10 to the DC, the caster must know of the spell, and how to cast it intimately (for instance, it must be written in a spellbook, or take up a permanent spell slot for a caster still).
  • DC can be set by the DM, and told to the bender before deciding to overcast knowing there are grave risks to overcasting

When an overcast happens:

  • Roll a d6
  • Character must make a DC saving throw against what they rolled, as the tearing of their body, mind, and soul could happen:
  • 1: STR
  • 2: DEX
  • 3: CON
  • 4: INT
  • 5: WIS
  • 6: CHA
  • 1-3 -> Body is effected: 1 or more stacks of exhaustion
  • 4-6 -> Mind is effected: Madness/Insanity Chart
  • If the character is proficient in their attribute, they can add their proficiency bonus to the roll.

DC is set:

  • The DC is 10 + Spell Level (or Spell Level Difference)
  • DC can be set by the DM, and to to the bender before deciding to overcast
  • The caster is only allowed one overcast question per round (this forces the player not to waste time in the heat of battle, and must make a decision quickly)
  • Example:  I am a level 2 warlock.  I want to overcast Eldrish Blast as a level 5 caster.  The base DC would be 10 + 0 (level of spell difference to my max spell casting slot) + 3 ( 5 - 2 = 3 DC Total: 13.

DC is Passed:

  • Nothing adverse happens.
  • The spell is cast as intended by the bender's will.

DC is tied:

  • The spell is cast as intended by the bender's will. Plus -> Roll on the WILD MAGIC CHART

DC is missed:

  • The bending fizzles, having NO EFFECT. The bend fails to occur as the caster is unable to hold the magic together through failure of the body, mind, or spirit.

Body effected:

  • Exhaustion applies
  • Missed by 1 - 3: 1 stack of exhaustion
  • Missed by 4 - 6: 2 stack of exhaustion; ability score effected reduced by 1d6 until a full rest
  • Missed by 7 - 9: 3 stack of exhaustion; ability score effected reduced by 1d8 until a full rest
  • Missed by 10 - 12: 4 stack of exhaustion; ability score effected reduced by 1d10 until a full rest
  • Missed by 10 - 12: 4 stack of exhaustion; ability score effected reduced by 1d12 until a full rest
  • Missed by 13 - 15: 5 stack of exhaustion; ability score effected reduced by 1d20 until a full rest
  • Missed by 16 - 18: 6 stack of exhaustion (Death ability score effected reduced by 1d20 until a full rest
  • Missed by 19+ : Caster is wiped from existence going foward in time, people barely remember the caster. A wish spell CANNOT bring the caster back.

Mind effected:

  • Madness applies
  • Missed by 1 - 3: 1 Short-Term Madness
  • Missed by 4 - 6: 2 Short-Term Madness; ability score effected reduced by 1d6 until a full rest
  • Missed by 7 - 9: 1 Long-Term Madness; ability score effected reduced by 1d8 until a full rest
  • Missed by 10 - 12: 2 Long-Term Madness; ability score effected reduced by 1d10 until a full rest
  • Missed by 10 - 12: 1 Indefinite Madness, 1 Long-Term Madness x 2 duration; ability score effected reduced by 1d12 until a full rest
  • Missed by 13 - 15: 2 Indefinite Madness, 2 Long-Term Madness x 2 duration; ability score effected reduced by 1d20 until a full rest
  • Missed by 16 - 18: Mind Death (Death ability score effected reduced by 1d20 until a full rest
  • Missed by 19+ : Caster is wiped from existence going forward in time, people barely remember the caster. A wish spell CANNOT bring the caster back.


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