Zaltath, Lord of the Zephyr

The Evil Elemental Lord of Air

Titles: Lord of the Zephyr, The Cloud King, The Windwhisper, He who listens, The Grand Blackmailer, The Chaos-Causer   Favored Weapon: Starknife   Alignment: Air   Spirit King: Ziyouqi   Obedience: Spend an hour compiling all the secrets, dirty info, and other information you've gained in your travels and coming up with plans to use that info to your benefit.   Effect: When you whisper, you can have the wind carry your voice to the ears of anyone you can see within 120 feet, as if they were one of the targets of a message spell you cast. Alternatively, you can send your voice to a distant location as if casting whispering wind. This counts as the Whispering Wind Kineticist Utility Talent for prerequisite purposes.

Divine Domains

Air, Trickery, Chaos, Knowledge(Espionage and Thought Subdomains ONLY)

Holy Books & Codes

The Cloud King's Codices

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Griffin in profile perched on a stack of books

Tenets of Faith

Move unseen and act with secrecy. Let your guile and trickery win the day and fool your foes before they realize your ploys.
Sow the seeds of chaos wherever you can. Break the burdensome shackles of law and foster the freeing chaos.
Seek out which others wish hidden and uncover it for yourself. Gather the world's secrets and use them to your benefit in your tricks and schemes.

Lord of the Whispering Wind

Zaltath is one of the two Elemental Lords serving Ziyouqi, the Spirit King of Air. He embodies the more capricious and chaotic elements of Ziyouqi's portfolio and is commonly seen as the Patron Saint of Thieves, Information brokers, Anarchists, and those who use trickery and guile to solve their problems in life. He preaches the spreading of chaos for its own sake, as chaos is the more innately freeing and less burdensome he believes and preaches that law is naught but a burden to life, and chaos must instead be spread in its place to free life from the burdensome shackle of the law. The length of how far his followers take this belief varies wildly, from simple chaotic pranks and light-hearted mischief to create a fun bit of chaos to die-hard anarchists who tear down law wherever it can be found.   He also preaches the ways of trickery and guile to his followers, and tells that no tactic no matter how underhanded should evade their means - nothing should be beyond their means if it means victory or success. He preaches to approach one's problems from the side and using trickery and guile to solve one's problems, to steal, lift, and trick to one's hearts content, as doing so is inherently pious and is a means of praying to Zaltath, the lord of all subterfuge and suspicion. He also teaches patience and listening to one's surroundings - to listen to what surrounds them, for the noise one listens to might very well reveal secrets, rumors, or other pieces of information that one might have missed if they were operating in the open or without thought to guile. With these secrets, he preaches many things; the simple act of accumulating them is his sole uniting tenet, but beyond that he preaches that simply having these secrets is the important part - beyond that, one should feel free to use them in whatever way best benefits their goals.   So does Zaltath embody the more capricious elements of Ziyouqi's portfolio, of the chaos that the wind blows with, and the trickery and subterfuge that dwells in the hearts of all things - as well as serving as the master of all spoken words and information, listening to all things carried on the wind and collecting them in his grand citadel of secrets with which he manipulates and schemes.
Divine Classification
Elemental Lord
Home: The Zephyrstorm Citadel, The Elemental Plane of Air   Areas of Concern: Air, Chaos, Trickery, Secrets   Holy Animal: Eagle   Holy Colors: Orange, White   Holy Number: 15

Example Divine Oaths

Oath of the Anarchist: In places where power rests in the hands of the few, return it to the hands of the many. Empower the individual and foster chaos where law exists.
Oath of the Rumormonger: Never let a rumor or potential secret go uninvestigated. Keep a detailed record of what you uncover somewhere, and use what you learn to your own distinct advantage. Let no means be beyond your grasp in pursuit of a victory, no matter how underhanded or vile.


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