Sedera Species in Zepharog | World Anvil


Basic Information


They have basic anatomy of the Humans but have a trail that connects at their spine at the base of the neck.

Biological Traits

This species has two genders male or female. Depending on their lineage they will have a very present element, lightning for the Sparkkin, fire and magma for the Flamelings, and Nether energy for the Netherites.

Genetics and Reproduction

This species has no gender just that they are aspects of their former species the Galakronians. The Galakronians were brutal life stealers, draining their opponents till they were at the last break then kept them to produce more energy.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature at the same rate as humans but live 30 years longer due to their nature. By age 15 they begin to grow their trail, age 30 their trail is full-grown and begins a new trail.

Ecology and Habitats

Any environment will do for them but they like places where a storm or fire will be close. An ideal place for them would be either a volcano or a mountain with constant storms, some cases of them spotted at gravesites along with the Grave Giant feeding on the deathly energies there and promoting new life into those "hot spots."

Dietary Needs and Habits

They need only the energy from three sources depending on which ancestry they are. Sparkkin needs only the power of a storm and electricity to suit them. Flamelings need magma or other sources of great fire to bind their fiery lineage. Netherites need energy from life and death, they consume the deathly energy to make them from fading away while producing life from what they drain.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have their lineage birthrite present everywhere including their face. If you look into the eyes of a sedera you can tell what their birthrite is. Sparkkin will have a perpetual clouded storm for their iris, as well as what color of lightning it is that is present. Flameling eyes have liquid magma for their iris, just don't get too close less you want that new hairdo gone. Netherites have a very interesting iris because not only do you see some black misty liquid shadow in there but green and whites.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

You will mainly find them at the tops of mountains or at the lava chambers of a volcano.

Average Intelligence

They can build/craft items and buildings. They're not completely savage, just a little bit relying on their instincts more than their brain. This is especially true for the Flamelings.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have irregular vision everything that they see has an aura that surrounds that thing, depending on the aura they have slight glimpses into what their future could be. The trail behind them leaves small sparks or cinders depending on what aspect they are, this acts as a tail for some others, but they can use it for casting Signs, or movement.
Genetic Descendants
Sparkkin, Flamelings, Netherites
150 years or indefinitly
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
4-6 ft long
Average Physique
They have more bulk then most but most of their strength comes from the trail they have.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have an array of colorings from purples to green and even grey.
Discovered by

Cover image: by LordGalakrond