Reklouse Bat Species in Zepharog | World Anvil

Reklouse Bat

Basic Information


They are usually 3in long with a wingspan of 7ft. They have large coiled ears that come to a point and a long snout that ends in a beak-like hook. Their nose-slits are where the eyes would meet. The nose has a knack for finding magickal and nonmagickal things (mostly magickal). This allows them to find and perceive where Mana sources are.

Genetics and Reproduction

They mate during the season Volt and give birth in the season Sol. When they mate it is a beautiful dance in the sky. After the mating dance is complete the male flies off and will probably never see the children. Individual bats mate only once a year. Gestation lasts about six months, and results in the birth of a single pup, during the time of local peak flower availability.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn young weigh 4 to 7 grams and are fully weaned at four to eight weeks of age. They are able to fly after a month but do not begin to exit the maternity home for a further two to three weeks. They are known to live for up to at least eight years in the wild.

Ecology and Habitats

The Reklouse prefers to be in moist trees or sandy tunnels that miners have abandoned. They like places that are close to the moon and have lots of different dew or water at their disposal. Then they go and search for Manaleaves throughout the evening of the eternal night. They make little homes from the bark or sand adding some leaves or other soft materials.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They need to feed a lot on the Manaleaves, that is their primary food source; but have been known to, if a spellcaster is around, drink the Mana from them. They use their nose to smell where a Mana source (Manaleaves, spellcasters, Sparkmites, even other Reklouse bats, etc) is and navigate, using their echolocation, to get to the source, once there they use their hooked snout to pry open the covering to get a small hole for their tongues and begin drinking.   Due to the messy way they lap up the Mana, it is stored on their bodies and as they fly around, the Mana flows off of them and into more plants even some spellcasters have been given a boost in their capabilities when they fly by. This Mana pollution gives a variety of unique blooms to form one of them being the Manaleaves, which is rich in Mana. The Mana that flows off the Reklouse is pure and then when flown into an organic object (spellcasters, Manaleaves, etc) it gives the object a flourish in life and allows the flower or spellcaster to live longer as well as turn it into a Mana source. The pollination of Mana allows the plant to go from not having any power or seeds to having lots of power and more seeds. Most trees and plants in The Wild Wood are rich in Mana, giving it the beautiful look it has.

Biological Cycle

The fur that they have around their body will begin fading and greying by age 5. During the season Aard, they go into a comatose like state and their metabolic functions slow at an abnormal rate, this state is called Torpor. They do this every Aard season until the start of Volt when they arise from their slumber.

Additional Information


The Rakashan or other humanoids will meditate with them and the consciousness of the bat will flow into them and bond with their soul creating what is known as a "Link." This Link that is established allows the Linked to feel what the creature is feeling and often or not some Linked can perceive through each other. This Link is for life and will go with your children and their children's children. Upon the first Linked dying the bat will go to their next of kin no matter the order of birth or who has the most power, they go to who they think is deserving.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They have very sweetened blood that most use in their sweeteners for tea, coffee, or other drinks needing sweetening. The reason why their blood is so sweet is from the constant Mana consumption they have, much like an addict they, too, need a fix and often make packs with others to get Mana. If you ever want to have a Reklouse bat as a friend, bargain some Mana and they'll listen. They make for excellent scout or other infiltration based needs. The Mana that they eat does make them slightly glow but can be removed with the Dracaena Sign and moved to a new host.   They're the main Mana pollinators in Zepharog and are unrivaled by any other, except for themselves.

Facial characteristics

They have pitch black eyes and their hooked snout has small tufts of fur on it, with fur covering their bodies and their knuckles of their wings. The wings look as if they are made with a charred black and purple tinted leather.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They mainly take shelter in The Wild Wood and stay with the many hunting parties of the Rakashan, and some have been known to be in Ashkath.

Average Intelligence

They have humanoid intellegence of a gifted 9 year old.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have 2 bug-shaped eyes that are not very good at sight. They use their large ears mainly for echolocation. They have limited telepathy and have a very close bond to the Rakashan, along with all other bat lineages. The Rakashan often keep them as pets and some have been able to see through their eyes, a great honor in their society.
Scientific Name
Lynoctric Chiroptera
Rahket, Azzmite
8 years
Conservation Status
This species is under very high distress because of their sugary blood for sweeteners. Most if they are in their homes or out in the continent, Zepharog, usually have lots of Manaleaves or other sources of Mana. Which provides the necessary nutrients for the Reklouse Bat.   Most often than not tend to miss them because of their innate ability to camouflage, this camouflage ability is cells in the first layer of skin that upon feeling threatened vibrates and displaces color light waves to hide them making them unseen other than the dim, slight glow of them.
Average Height
3.1 inches
Average Weight
8 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
They are small and not very musclular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur colors range from golden to brown.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by LordGalakrond