Odin's Cipher Language in Zeimia | World Anvil
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Odin's Cipher

In order to understand Odin's Cipher, it is important to understand some things about Odin himself. Odin values wisdom and knowledge above all else. He collects information from around the world via his ravens and keeps watch over things he considers important. He gave his left eye to drink from a magical pool and gain its wisdom. Odin even hung himself from Yggdrasil to gain secret knowledge of magic from near death. This cipher was born with that lust for hidden knowledge behind it.   Odin's Cipher is only granted to the most devote followers of Odin or people who Odin himself feels are deserving. So few actually receive this blessing that most of the world believe it to be a myth. This cipher is not just a code to pass secrets between those in the "know." No. Odin's Cipher is said to reveal the secrets of the author of any message, intended or otherwise.   When this code applied to a piece of writing, the code, written document, or both are changed to reveal the secrets of the author of the document. A simple advertisement could reveal that a humble marketer is cheating on his wife with her sister. A innocent letter home from a master wizard could reveal his latest spells and experiments. Great generals could see entire military campaigns crumble without a soldier being marched or great kings or queens could have scandalous family secrets leaked to the public to inspire revolutions.   With so dangerous a thing as Odin's Cipher, it is no wonder that so few are granted access to it. Those that do possess Odin's Cipher are charged to only use it under the direct order of Odin or if there is a great danger that needs to be stopped. From Odin's elite followers, it is usually seen as better to never use the cipher and thus never risk it falling into the wrong hands.


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