Wizeain Species in Zaris | World Anvil


Wizeains are a class of creature that is determined by the following:     The rough, inflexible skin of the Wizeain is composed of a dense, non-elastic material that provides both protection and structural support for the body. This skin is resistant to damage and is able to deflect or absorb impacts, making it well-suited for environments with predators or other dangers. The rough, inflexible nature of the skin also helps the Wizeain maintain its shape and form, especially in larger or heavier individuals.   In terms of function, the rough, inflexible skin of the Wizeain serves a variety of purposes. It helps regulate body temperature by absorbing or radiating heat as needed, and it can also help the Wizeain blend in with its surroundings by matching the color or texture of the environment. The rough, inflexible skin of the Wizeain is an important adaptation that helps these creatures survive and thrive in a wide range of environments.       The Wizeain is a unique class of chordates that is characterized by its ability to use mind magic to affect its surroundings. This ability is thought to have evolved from a common ancestor that possessed advanced cognitive abilities and a highly developed nervous system. The specific mind magic abilities of the Wizeain vary by species, but some common abilities include telepathy, telekinesis, and mind control. These abilities allow the Wizeain to communicate with others, manipulate objects, and influence the thoughts and actions of others.   The mind magic abilities of the Wizeain set them apart from other chordates and place them in their own class. These abilities have allowed the Wizeain to adapt and thrive in a wide range of environments, and have played a key role in the evolution and diversity of this class of creatures.   Wizeains generally reproduce through magical means. This means a lot of different things for different species. Although each species has it's own means of magically reproducing, there may be common factors amongst closely related species.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants


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