Dovaak Species in Zaris | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Dovaak are Wizeain  that stand at around 4.5 to 5.5 feet tall and are not particularly physically gifted. They have a typical chordate body plan, with a head, torso, and limbs organized in a way that allows them to move and navigate their environment. The Dovaak have rough, rigid skin that ranges in color from dark purple to obsidian. This skin provides protection and helps regulate body temperature, and may also play a role in communication or camouflage. The Dovaak have the unique ability to absorb magic with their skin, which becomes more developed as they age. They use speech to communicate with others of their species and have an average sense of vision. They are adapted for walking and have no particularly well-developed senses or appendages.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Dovaak reproduce sexually and have split genes, with one set coming from the father and one from the mother. This leads to a range of physical characteristics and traits within the Dovaak population, depending on the specific combination of genes inherited by each individual.  The Dovaak reproduce with a Phallus that must be magically enchanted to pierce the skin of the female carrying the Dovaak embryo. This is generally a ritualistic thing, as the male may not have strong enough magic to do this on their own. The Dovaak place a strong emphasis on the role of magic in their reproductive behavior and social structure, and believe that mating and raising their young near strong sources of magic can create stronger offspring. This has the effect of changing their genetic code based on the specific magic they are exposed to. The Dovaak have a strong sense of family and community, and place a high value on magic and its role in their society. They have a relatively long lifespan, and tend to get stronger as they age. The elderly are highly protected and respected, due to their power and experience. The Dovaak may have specific rituals or traditions associated with mating or the care of offspring, and these rituals may shape their social dynamics and relationships.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Dovaak have a relatively slow growth rate and require a large amount of nourishment due to their large brains. They gain an increased ability to absorb magic as they grow older, which may play a role in their social structure and behavior. The Dovaak have a long gestation period of 2 years, and are considered children until they are 15, adolescents until they are 25, and fully adult between the ages of 40 and 45. The start of their most powerful age is when they are elderly, which is generally around 80 years or older. The Dovaak have a long lifespan and their elderly are highly protected and revered due to their experience and power. The younger stages of Dovaak might be less mature and want more freedom over their actions, but this behavior is kept in check by the elders who are more powerful and form councils to control behavior. This suggests that the Dovaak have a hierarchical social structure, with the elders holding a position of authority and responsibility for guiding and shaping the behavior of younger individuals.

Ecology and Habitats

The Dovaak are adapted to living near powerful sources of magic, and use these sources to shape their society and create livable habitats. The most important factor influencing their environment is the level of magic present in the area. While the Dovaak are generally frail, their thick, strong skin provides protection and has good thermal properties, helping them withstand extreme weather conditions. The Dovaak's physical characteristics and behaviors help them survive and thrive in their habitat, and they interact with other species or organisms in their ecosystem. The Dovaak's ecology and habitat may shape their behavior and relationships with their environment, and they may have specific adaptations or behaviors that help them interact with or protect themselves from other species

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Dovaak are a sedentary species of chordates that do not have particularly high caloric needs due to their relatively inactive lifestyle. They have teeth and a typical chordate digestive system that allows them to process a wide range of foods, as long as they meet the Dovaak's nutritional requirements.   The Dovaak obtain their food through a combination of magical means, such as growing their own food or trading for it, as well as setting magical traps for other creatures. They do not hunt for their own food, as their physical abilities are not well-suited for this purpose. The Dovaak have a varied diet that includes a range of different types of food, and they are able to obtain and process these foods through the use of their magical abilities and traditional methods such as farming or gardening.   The Dovaak have relatively simple eating habits, and do not have any particular preferences or customs when it comes to food. They consume their food in small amounts throughout the day, as needed, in order to meet their caloric needs.

Biological Cycle

The Dovaak are a long-lived species of chordates that are known for their unique ability to absorb magic and store it in their rough, inflexible skin. They reproduce through a challenging and ritualistic process that involves the use of a magically enchanted phallus to pierce the skin of the female and deliver the Dovaak embryo. The gestation period for the Dovaak is very long, and the process of reproduction is seen as an important part of their culture and is often undertaken by the entire community or family. As the Dovaak age, they may experience physical and behavioral changes that are associated with the aging process. However, due to their strong magic and long lifespans, the Dovaak are able to maintain their health and well-being for a very long time. The elderly Dovaak are highly respected and are often taken care of by the community, as their strong magic is seen as a valuable resource.   When a Dovaak dies, their passing is marked by elaborate and somber burial rituals that reflect the high value that the Dovaak place on death and the afterlife. These rituals are an important part of Dovaak culture, and serve as a way for the community to come together and honor the deceased.


The Dovaak are a highly intelligent species of chordates that have a complex social hierarchy based on family units. Their social hierarchy is influenced by factors such as the number of powerful members in the family, the types of magic they possess, and their value to the species. The Dovaak have their own language and may also have the ability to communicate using mind magic, which allows them to share information and communicate effectively with one another.   The Dovaak have a great ability to study and use magic to achieve great and terrible things, but this power comes with its own set of ethical considerations. They are generally very measured in their approach to other intelligent species, but younger Dovaak may be more emotional and less measured. The Dovaak's intelligence and magical abilities shape their behavior and decision-making, and they navigate the potential consequences of their actions in their interactions with the world around them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Dovaak have a tight-knit, family-based tribal hierarchy, with the elders being a key part of the social structure and holding a great deal of power and influence. They are respected for their strength and abilities, and they form councils and rely on trusted advisors to help them maintain control. Magic is a kind of social currency, and those who are helpful, obedient, and compliant to rituals and practices tend to have more access to magic than those who are rowdy, question authority, or don't care for rituals. This can create a hierarchy or social stratification within the Dovaak society, with those who have more access to magic having more power and influence. The Dovaak also have specific rituals and practices that are used to demonstrate obedience and compliance, and these rituals play an important role in their social interactions.

Facial characteristics

The Dovaak have a diamond-shaped head on top of thick necks, and their skulls are adorned with rough growths that may be unique to each individual. Their eyes are set close to their neck and are situated in the middle of their diamond-shaped head, giving them a wide field of vision. These physical characteristics give the Dovaak a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other species. In terms of sensory abilities, the Dovaak have good eyesight and are able to see in many directions at once. It is possible that they have other specialized sensory abilities that help them perceive the world around them, but this is not specified. The Dovaak use a combination of facial expressions, vocalizations, and other forms of nonverbal communication to communicate with one another and convey different emotions or intentions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Dovaak are a highly adaptable species that are found across the world, with a preference for areas with strong magic that they can manipulate and use to provide for themselves. They are settled in a variety of environments and have the ability to thrive in a range of conditions, as long as they have access to strong magic. The Dovaak place a high value on exploration and innovation, and those who explore and settle in new areas are often looked upon with admiration or contempt by other Dovaak. The size and strength of Dovaak settlements is influenced by the magic of the surrounding area, and the Dovaak rely on their magical abilities to sustain themselves in different types of environments.

Average Intelligence

The Dovaak are a highly intelligent species of chordates that have a great ability to study and use magic to achieve great and terrible things. They have a complex social hierarchy based on family units and place a high value on intelligence and magical abilities. The Dovaak have their own language and may also have the ability to communicate using mind magic, which allows them to share information and communicate effectively with one another.   The Dovaak's intelligence and magical abilities shape their behavior and decision-making, and they navigate the potential consequences of their actions in their interactions with the world around them. They are generally very measured in their approach to other intelligent species, but younger Dovaak may be more emotional and less measured. The Dovaak's intelligence and magical abilities are important adaptations that have allowed them to adapt and thrive in a wide range of environments and have played a key role in their evolution and diversity.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Dovaak possess the ability to absorb magic, which is a central aspect of their daily lives and society. They rely on this ability to do everything from finding and gathering food to building and creating objects, and they must settle in areas with strong magic in order to survive. The Dovaak's hierarchy is also closely tied to their ability to do magic, with the highest roles being held by those with strong magical abilities and their families. The Dovaak use their ability to absorb magic in a variety of ways, including finding and accessing sources of magic and using it in their daily activities. They may also have specific rituals or traditions associated with the use of magic. The Dovaak use speech to communicate with others of their species and have an average sense of vision. They are adapted for walking and have no particularly well-developed senses or appendages.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Dovaak place great importance on magic, family, and tradition, and these values are reflected in their naming practices. Dovaak names might be chosen based on the individual's characteristics or traits, such as their appearance, abilities, or personality. They could also be based on the individual's family or tribal affiliation, or on significant events or experiences in their life. Dovaak names might also be chosen based on their meaning or significance in the Dovaak language or culture, or on their auspiciousness or special meaning. Additionally, Dovaak names could be chosen based on the individual's role or position within the family or tribe, or on their place within the family tree. In general, the Dovaak value names that are meaningful and significant, and they may place great importance on the names they choose for their children and other loved ones. Naming rituals and ceremonies may also be an important part of Dovaak culture, with these events being seen as a way to honor the individual and welcome them into the community.

Beauty Ideals

The Dovaak value physical strength and power, as well as magical abilities and unique magical powers, as attractive traits in both males and females. They also place a high value on intelligence and creativity. In terms of physical features, the density and texture of the Dovaak's skin, the shape of their head, and any unique markings or tattoos could also be considered attractive. Symmetry in the shape of the head might also be seen as a desirable trait. Additionally, the effectiveness of the Dovaak's skin at storing magic could be a factor in their beauty ideals, with individuals who have skin types that are more effective at storing magic being seen as more attractive. These beauty ideals may be influenced by the Dovaak's cultural values and beliefs, and may vary among different Dovaak tribes or communities.

Courtship Ideals

In Dovaak society, courtship is an important and meaningful process that involves the exchange of magical objects, symbols, and the performance of rituals or ceremonies. These elements are used to express interest and affection, and to bond and connect with a potential mate. The Dovaak may have traditional courtship rituals or customs that are seen as more acceptable or desirable within their society. These rituals could involve the exchange of gifts or tokens, the performance of ceremonies or rituals, or the sharing of magic. These traditional rituals might be seen as more appropriate or respectful ways of expressing attraction and interest in a potential mate.   On the other hand, some Dovaak might be more rebellious or non-conformist and choose to express their attraction in more unconventional ways. This could involve using more exotic or unusual forms of magic, or going against traditional customs or expectations in order to show their interest in a potential mate. These individuals might be seen as more rebellious or unconventional, and their approach to courtship could be seen as less acceptable or desirable by more traditional members of Dovaak society.   Overall, courtship in Dovaak society is an important and meaningful process that involves the exchange of magical objects, symbols, and the performance of rituals or ceremonies as a way of expressing interest, bonding, and committing to a long-term partnership.

Relationship Ideals

In Dovaak society, relationships are guided by a set of ideals that are influenced by cultural traditions and values. These ideals focus on the exchange of magical objects, symbols, and the performance of rituals or ceremonies as a way of expressing affection and commitment. Dovaak society places a high value on loyalty, respect, and commitment in relationships, and couples are expected to demonstrate these qualities in their interactions with each other. Relationships also strengthen the bonds between different family units or tribes, and couples are expected to prioritize the well-being and interests of their family or community over their own personal desires or needs. There may also be societal pressures or expectations for Dovaak couples to conform to certain roles or behaviors, such as sharing their magic and resources with each other and with their community, or following certain rituals or customs. Overall, Dovaak relationships are guided by ideals that prioritize loyalty, respect, commitment, and the well-being of their family or community.

    Art created by Dalle-2    
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Class - Wizeain
Hundreds of years
Average Height
4.5-5.5 feet
Average Weight
50-120 lbs
Average Physique
The Dovaak are chordates with a rough, inflexible skin that is composed of a dense, non-elastic material. This skin provides both protection and structural support for the body, and is resistant to damage and able to deflect or absorb impacts. The rough, inflexible nature of the skin helps the Dovaak maintain its shape and form, especially in larger or heavier individuals. The skin also helps regulate body temperature and can help the Dovaak blend in with its surroundings by matching the color or texture of the environment.   In terms of physical abilities, the Dovaak are not particularly gifted, and they tend to live relatively sedentary lives. However, they have evolved special organs that allow them to absorb magic, store it in their skin, and use it for themselves. This ability is thought to have evolved from a common ancestor that possessed advanced cognitive abilities and a highly developed nervous system. The specific mind magic abilities of the Dovaak vary by species, but some common abilities include telepathy, telekinesis, and mind control.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Dovaak generally have a deep or dark purple to obsidian color, although there can be variations in coloration and mixtures of colors. Some Dovaak are born lighter in color, which can be seen as a deviation from the norm and may result in them being outcast. In addition to their overall body tint, Dovaak can have specific markings based on their tribe, which can be used to identify and distinguish different tribes or groups of Dovaak. All Dovaak have a shell-like buildup on their head, which gives them a unique appearance and may serve some protective or functional purpose.

Cover image: by MidJourney


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