Journal 31: Into Fenelon Report in Zanthia | World Anvil

Journal 31: Into Fenelon

Intrigue unfolds in the lavish chateau as one of the player's strongly disagrees

Created by Wren for the Valdorin campaign

General Summary

We speak with Jean-Phillipe Lebas de Fenelon-Chaussy d'Edouart and get a protective spell, as the land seems to have an effect on us that makes it hard to breath and makes hair fall out. Harvey has an issue with the 'Jeans'; they are undead and he wants to fight them. Harvey is a terrible guest, and demans answers and combat. Jean-Pierre Lebas de Fenelon-Chaussy d'Edouart accepts his request for a fight, but we manage to talk Harvey down. A flying, flaming skull (named Bismark) leads us to our sleeping quarters. On the way we meet Otto von Richter, a gnome (not undead!) that seems to be a family friend interested in experiments (with objects, and people). Otto is happy to help Shynt and Wren, who are both almost dead. They are also cured of the Rat King's curse! Bismark tells us the family was cursed to become undead by (now-)nomads, because Jean-Pierre cheated them out of their lands, around 200 years ago. We rest for two days to get back up on our feet, after which our presence is requested.   Ye olde party are invited to meet Jean-Phillipe's 'sister', Darri. She is obviously mental and wants some of our hairs. She is working on dolls, and says something about the walls. On our way back to the guest-quarters, Jean-Phillipe tells us Valdorin is not long for this world. It is a very ominous thought. Naiur confronts Biff, who didn't want to part with any of his bodily parts for the dolls. We get the feeling he isn't what he seems. When we get back to our quarters, Naiur confronts Biff. Biff pounds Naiur and runs away. We go to sleep.   We are sent by Jean-Pierre to retrieve a box from a fountain in the cellars under the house. While exploring the cellars, we fight some skeletons and a couple of shadows. Luckily, we all survive. We decide to go to sleep, and recover ourselves.   When we wake up, Jean-Phillipe leads us to the gardens, where there is a large maze with a giant fountain in the center. He leads us into the maze, then turns into a rat and dashes off! The maze is made of animated plants and vines that attack! The maze strangles us a little. We manage to escape with the help of Shynt's fly spell, a couple of giant elks and some dumb luck.   We catch up to 'Jean-Phillipe', who is actually The Entity Formerly Known As Biff. We corner him; he tells us he is named Kravcek Kravcek and can read mindes. He turns into his own form, which is kinda gross. He tells us (the real) Jean-Pierre is part of the Sanguine Syndicate, together with his associates. They have two purposes; one is to reunite his family, and the second unknown. Kravcek begs and threatens us to help him. Naiur is unimpressed and jogs toward the manison, going to tell Jean-Pierre about Kravcek's lurking. The rest of the team talks to Kravcek some more, but then Jean-Pierre shows up and tells us to go into the house. He then disposes of Kravcek in a violent way. During dinner, Darri walks in and unsubtly retrieves feathers from Prince the Owlbear. She holds a half-finished Kravcek doll.
Valdorin campaign
Report Date
18 May 2019
Primary Location


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