The Radakh Conglomerate Organization in Zada | World Anvil
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The Radakh Conglomerate

The Radakh Conglomerate is composed of a number of smaller Zourani corporations based in the Radakh Valley. The Conglomerate was formed to help the smaller businesses compete with the larger Imzari Corporation, based in the Zourani capital of Igourdan. The Radakh Conglomerate specialises in the design and manufacturing of firearms, and are responsible for providing the Imperial armies with the majority of their small arms. Some of their more famous innovations include the Radakh Gun, an advanced early machine gun that iterated on the Alizal Gun's flawed design, and has since become the standard machine gun of the Imperial Peacekeeping Forces. They also produce both the breech-loading rifles of the Imperial infantry, the Model 511, and the bolt-action rifles of the World-King's Guard, the Model 529.   Not all companies within the conglomate are arms manufacturers, and some are instead focused on the production of locomotives, steam carriages, and steam engines themselves. Most of the pumps used in the mines throughout Zourania and Bagara are produced by the Radakh Conglomerate, and the Valley Corporations produce about a third of all locomotives in the Empire, and have a 90% share in the small steam carriage market.
Corporation, Conglomerate
Alternative Names
The Valley Companies
Parent Organization


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