The Imzari Corporation Organization in Zada | World Anvil
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The Imzari Corporation

The Imzari Corporation was founded by Mizwar Imzari in 486. Imzari began by producing firearms in his personal residence, meeting little success until 489, when he invented the Imzari no. 13, now known as simply as the Zourani Rifle, for use in sporting competitions. The no. 13 was so successful that the Imperial Peacekeeping Forces began placing orders for them to equip their sharpshooters, paying handsomely for the mastercraft weapons. This allowed Imzari to massively improve the scale of his production, and by 495, his corporation owned 70% of the arms manufacturies in the Alizal Valley.   The Imzari corporation has continued to grow ever since, and though it started as a producer of small arms, it has expanded to produce a greater variety of products. Most of the corporations arms factories now produce artillery and naval guns, as well as the Alizal Gun, an early machine gun that suffers from overheating, but is much cheaper than the Radakh Gun. The Imzari Corporations also produces locomotives and steamships, including most ironclads purchased by the Imperial Maritime Guard. Although their focus has shifted away from the production of small arms, the corporation still produces several famous examples of such weapons, including a variety of lever-action rifles and carbines, and the Imzari no. 19, arguably the Empire's most popular .45 revolver.
Corporation, Manufacturing
Parent Organization


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