Naoise Character in You Are Here Now | World Anvil
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Balancing Act

Naoise will be the first to tell you he's not a nice person. Half-fey, his human mother made a deal with the Unseelie Court. Whatever they gave her, it was in exchange for her first born. She thought she'd outwit the court by never having a child. They proved her wrong.   Within the Court, Naoise was used as servant and entertainment for its upper echelon. He grew up desperate to prove himself to these powerful and ancient fey, demonstrating his finesse with magic and swordplay in hunts, battles, and contests of skill and cruelty. In response, the Court tore the wings from his back to make it clear he will never be one of them.   Once he was healed, he fled the court, using everything they taught him to escape their grasp. Now he lives Ironside, among the humans he used to torment for fun. After nearly two years, he's mostly gotten used to it. As long as he keeps a low profile, the Court won't take notice of him, the FBI won't capture him, and he can keep pretending he's neither monster nor human.  

Human Form

Naoise masks his inhuman features with glamour. Though his human blood gives him an advantage, glamour is still notoriously bad at mimicking natural flaws. If anyone looks too close, they'll note his midtoned skin is too smooth, his brown hair too shiny, and his amber eyes too vibrant. He hides what he can under a slouch and over-large hoodie.

Faerie Form

Without glamour, his gold irises have a shimmer that make them glow in certain light. His fingers are too long, having a fourth knuckle and ending in claw-like nails. He has an extra set of canine teeth, all of which sharper than they should be. Two scars marr his back from where his wings use to be, and a network of orange lines spiderweb out from there like veins.
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This is a protagonist - the one in charge of the story whether they like it or not.


Aos Sí (half)
True Name
Unknown, appears approx. 35
Unseelie Court (former)
Fantasy Bureau of Investigation (conditional)

FBI Classification*

*Taken from Clint's notes, yet to be turned in to his superiors


Naoise only drinks coffee out of his own mug: a misshapen homemade monstrosity with a broken handle, rescued from the trash.


Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Side Character) Coffee shop owner with a specialty in ghost stories.

A baobhan sidhe took interest in Agatha last year, and Naoise convinced her Agatha wasn't worth her time. He couldn't risk losing his source of free coffee.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Main Character) FBI agent with a calm and collected personality.

Clint keeps Naoise hidden from the FBI in exchange for help on some hunts. Naoise is bound to their deal, but never specified what kind of help he'd provide.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Main Character) A kind-hearted human who's involved in the extraordinary.

A gorgeous man Naoise has taken special interest in. He avoids interacting with Dima, convinced doing so would be disastrous for both of them.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Side Character) An excessively friendly follower of Khorifax, god of death.

Naoise nearly killed him for his incessant proselytizing, but lost interest when Pierre begged for friendship instead of mercy. Unfortunately, Pierre thinks that means they're best friends.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Antagonist) Conspiracy theorist determined to expose the truth.

If she wasn't Dima's cousin, Naoise would wipe Margo's memory of him to ensure she never figures out what he really is.

Cover image: by Martina Stokow (edits by Rin Garnett)
Character Portrait image: by Rin Garnett via ArtBreeder & GIMP


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