Clint Character in You Are Here Now | World Anvil
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Half a moon lingers above city streets too full of their own lights to care what the stars provide. Few people linger on the sidewalks, and locals slam their windows against the reggae music blaring from a radio left at the bus stop.   The smell of fresh paint keeps Clint company in an empty apartment. Through the scope of his rifle, he watches a werewolf dig through the dumpster. She's a college student who got involved with the wrong people, and the massive "wolf" prowling the streets has made headlines of late. Only sketchy internet tabloids claim werewolves are real, and Clint's role in the Fantasy Bureau of Investigation is to make sure it stays that way.   The werewolf stops dumpster diving to sniff at the food truck driving by and Clint takes the shot. The fired silver needle flies across the street and lands in her neck. The music drowns out her yelp and snarl as she staggers under the sedative.   A van marked Animal Control pulls up to block the alley entrance. A small team exits and covers her in a heavy tarp, pausing only to inject another sedative. Once the lump stops fighting, they heft her sleeping form into the van and drive away, package safely in tow.   Clint opens the FBI app on his phone to mark another job complete.

Man in Black

Clint is a professional. He always wears a suit, always has at least one concealed weapon, and always carries his badge. When he first started the job, he thought he worked for the "real" FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It took several jobs and strange encounters before he realized something wasn't right. Yet having seen the horrors such "fantasies" could inflict on people, he knew this was where he had to stay.   He completes his missions to exacting standards, and always with an air of calm competency. Yet he's still fairly new to the force, and his missions are often lower grade with gaps of weeks or even months between. Most of his work ends up being of the paper variety, rather than death-defying monster hunts.   The nature of the job and size of the paycheck prevent ideas like "starting a family" from taking a hold, which suits Clint just fine. The strange work and stranger people keep life interesting.  
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This is a main character - this story couldn't function without them.


Full name
Clint Glenn
FBI agent

FBI Classification



Clint wears casual clothes to not be recognized while running errands. He still keeps a hidden weapon on him, however, in case of random acts of fantastical creatures.


Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Side Character) Coffee shop owner with a specialty in ghost stories.

Clint has known Agatha since school, and has noticed how she's avoided him for the past year. He suspects Agatha's hiding something, but hasn't confronted her.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Main Character) A kind-hearted human who's involved in the extraordinary.

Dima is a reliable and well-meaning person. His desire to help and connections with various first responders have made him a valuable ally for Clint's work.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Antagonist) Conspiracy theorist determined to expose the truth.

Margo knows more than she should of the true occult of the city. Clint uses her knowledge and ability to make connections while also making sure nobody else believes what she says.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Protagonist) Half-human exile from the Unseelie court.

Nearly two years ago, Clint hunted one monster and found it hunting Naoise. They made a deal: Clint would keep Naoise hidden from the FBI, and Naoise would help on future hunts when asked.
Character | Jan 15, 2024

(Monstrous) (Side Character) An excessively friendly follower of Khorifax, god of death.

Clint encountered Pierre trying to befriend a monster and immediately noted his odd abilities. Clint would have kept an eye on him even without the directive from the FBI.

Cover image: by Martina Stokow (edits by Rin Garnett)
Character Portrait image: by Rin Garnett via ArtBreeder & GIMP


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