Avalon Organization in YonZora | World Anvil


On 4, Diana -4940 AD the realm of Avalon was established by the newly crowned King Uther Pendragon former clan leader of the Dragon clan one of many human tribes in the area. Uther himself was from the village of Nysine five days travel from the capital city. Uther renamed the northern region of OreIda to Avalon and renaming the capitial city of Cairo to Camelot. During Uther's reign he started the very corner stone of the government that his son Arthur would take and expand upon during his reign. The Guild halls and market system would also be established during Uthers Reign. 15 years after being crowned king, Uther passed and the crown was given to his son Arthur Pendragon. King Arthur would then take the basic foundation of Uther government and expand upon the government of Avalon. To accomplish this King Arthur formed the Knights of the Round table in the year -4910 AD. King Arthur chose a knight champion from each of the 12 human tribes who had fought with Uther Pendragon during the war of Unifications. These 12 knights became the Kings advisors and established the very foundation that is still followed today. Unfortunalley the Black Legion who controlled the southern region North Azure made life hard for the kings as they had plans to expand and control of North Azure. Many battles took place between the Kingdoms over the years. Then in the year -3999 The Stewarts of YonZora were able to bond with the human race with in the year -3999 bonding with Pendragon line first then many of the Knights of the Pendragon line. With this bond Avalon was the strongest realm in North Azure. Then betrayal hit Avalon causing the War of the Ancients followed by a 200 year war. This was a costly battle not only financially buy it cost the lives of the riders and the Stewarts of YonZora. The battle was won and the Black Legion was removed from north Azure. It took 400 years to recover from the war and rebuild its coffers. The Pendragon line has spent the last 100 years rebuilding and establishing relationship with its newest territory of Avalon and the former capitial city of OreIda Soteropolis formerly known as Ephesus.


I will place character above riches, and concern for others above personal wealth, I will never boast, but cherish humility in instead.

Public Agenda

To serve and protect the realm of Avalon. Be the shining light and example to other realms


Clan leader Uther Pendragon of the Dragon clans along with 12 other clans took on the old Egyptian regime in the city of Cairo. The clans were tired of the mistreatment and slavery practices that was going. This led to what would be called the Unification War that lasted 15 years. After the defeat of the Egyptian regime and the Black Legion. No body knows how the Black Legion got this far north to be involved. Some speculated that one of the clans had made a deal with them, but this could not be proved. After the war The 12 clans leaders asked Uther to be King of the people. Uther accepted and changed the realm from OreIda to Avalon and renamed the capitial to Camelot. Uther reighned for 15 more years before passing away. His son Arthur took over and the Kindom of Avalon never looked back. Establishing the Knights of the round table the King and his knights set an even stronger foundation than his father that is still in place today.  The Stewarts of YonZora picked the Pendragon line as the first human riders as well. Avalon has been a shining light for North Azure since the Pendragon line as ruled.

Demography and Population

The population of Avalon is approximately 8 million citizens. This include all races of N Azure.


  1. Order of the Phoenix Riders. Order of the Phoenix Riders 
  2. Order of the Red Dragon.  Order of the Red Dragon 
  3. Crimson Dragon. Crimson Dragon 
  4. Crimson Guard. Crimson Guard. 

Agriculture & Industry

Lumber and Fishing in the north northern part of Avalon, Grapes and wines in the middle of Avalon, and fishing and farming in the south. Precocious metals and mining in the mountains. Hunting and furs in the forest.

Trade & Transport

Lumber, precious minerals, coal, fish, potatoes, fruit, wines, rice, vegetables, livestock, furs,

I will place character above riches, and concern for others above personal wealth.

Founding Date
4, Diana -4940
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Judicial Body
The King
Executive Body
Knights of the Round Table
Neighboring Nations


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