M.J.T.F. Organization in Xyto | World Anvil
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The Multi-universal Joint Task Force (M.J.T.F.) is an extraordinary organization that was formed by Madeleine Stallard during a time of unprecedented threats in the early years of the 20th century within the world of Xyto. Comprising an assembly of formidable fighters, seasoned soldiers, and dedicated volunteers hailing from diverse corners of the known universes in the Infinity, the M.J.T.F. stands as a unified force committed to safeguarding their respective worlds from any peril that may arise, particularly those associated with rifts.   The M.J.T.F. serves as the vanguard against interdimensional conflicts and disruptions caused by rift activity. Whether it be the intrusion of malevolent entities seeking to exploit the delicate balance between dimensions, cataclysmic events endangering the fabric of reality, or emerging conflicts that have the potential to unleash chaos upon the multiverse, the task force stands resolute and ready to act.


The organizational structure for the Multi-universal Joint Task Force is designed to ensure efficient coordination and effective response to threats across the multiverse. All revolve around the Commander-in-Chief or the General, the highest-ranking officer overseeing the entire MJTF and responsible for strategic planning, decision-making, and overall command. Executive Officers are the second-in-command who assists the Commander-in-Chief in managing the operations and administration of the MJTF.   Korlux Intelligence Division: Manages the planning and execution of missions, including the deployment of forces, resource allocation, and coordination with allied factions. They are also responsible for analyzing intelligence on potential threats, monitoring interdimensional activities, and providing situational assessments to inform mission planning. They are composed of mostly engineers, analysts, as well as scientist and work in developing an arsenal of weapons to supply their forces.   Vanguard Task Force: Comprised of highly skilled and versatile operatives capable of conducting specialized missions in challenging environments within or beyond the world.   Clandestine Recon Company: An elite unit specializing in covert operations and intelligence gathering. Their primary mission is to infiltrate enemy territories, gather critical information, and provide real-time intelligence to support MJTF operations.   Supernatural Task Force: A subdivision of Twilight Patrol agents under the MJTF branch. Equipped with advanced mystical artifacts, enchanted weaponry, and state-of-the-art technology, the Supernatural Task Force stands ready to confront and neutralize threats that conventional forces are ill-equipped to handle.   Rift Response Team: Rapid response units trained to handle emergent rifts, neutralize threats, and secure affected areas, preventing further destabilization.   Hellhound Cavalry Company: Provides logistical support, including supply chain management, communications, and technical support to ensure the operational readiness of MJTF forces.   Horizon Corps: The coastal defense front and acting fleet of the MJTF, tasked with defending the coastal regions of every major nation from the leviathan level threats that would spring up from the depths of the vortexes. Their means of warfare mostly consist of long range artillery and strike groups of bomber aircraft armed with powerful warheads, as well as "Waverider" strike groups for when threats get too close and personal.     Trauma Unit: Specializes in providing medical care and support in the most dangerous and challenging environments across the multiverse. The unit operates with compassion, precision, and professionalism. They are trained to remain calm and focused in the face of chaos, providing critical care to both military personnel and civilians caught in the crossfire of interdimensional conflicts.   Liaison Office: Facilitates communication and collaboration with allied factions, interdimensional organizations, and local authorities to foster cooperation and information sharing.


Training was more than just a means to an end; it was a lifestyle. Operatives engaged in simulations that mirrored real interdimensional threats, honing their skills in fields ranging from diplomacy to combat, ensuring they were prepared for any eventuality. Discipline was a non-negotiable virtue instilled through tireless drills, fostering the ability to make split-second decisions in the face of anomalies.   With every mission, secrecy was paramount. The ethos of confidentiality resonated through the halls. Information about other worlds was safeguarded, preventing misunderstandings or misuse. The respect for each world's sovereignty was ingrained in their culture, avoiding interference and acting as impartial arbiters in the face of transdimensional conflicts.

Public Agenda

The MJTF's public agenda in the other universes outside of Xyto are to handle the various threats and problems that rifts might pose to universes inadequately prepared to handle them while maintaining absolute secrecy while they operate in order to avoid, in most cases, world-changing concepts being introduced to universes they're not supposed to. With this in mind, MJTF operators outside of Xyto are extremely careful and must be appropriately skilled and with just one minor mistake could be punishable by the Empyrin Law for breaking the 8th rule of the Prime Dicta.


Armed with an array of advanced weaponry and information-gathering tools, the multidimensional operatives possessed a versatile arsenal suited for interdimensional challenges. Their armory comprised energy-based armaments, capable of adapting to various environmental conditions and different dimensional physics. These sophisticated weapons were engineered to neutralize threats while minimizing collateral damage to the fabric of different worlds.   Along with their weaponry, operatives are given equipment to facilitate their information-gathering capabilities, the operatives have access to advanced surveillance drones or probes equipped with cloaking technology. These discreet probes enabled remote reconnaissance and exploration, providing real-time feedback, images, and data streams from uncharted territories or high-risk locations without drawing unwanted attention.   Furthermore, their assets included an extensive cultural archive repository. This collection housed historical, societal, and cultural data from various dimensions, facilitating a deeper understanding of each world's uniqueness and fostering respect for their diversity. The operatives leveraged this knowledge to navigate diplomatic intricacies and foster cooperative relationships with different societies encountered during their missions.

"Infinite Fronts, One Victory"

Alliance, Military
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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