The Verdant Shroud Organization in Xelestar | World Anvil
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The Verdant Shroud

A country formed by Corelli Shireshelli and Waverly Aulder following their marriage. The Verdant Shroud was constructed when the pair constructed a demi-plane together and brought pieces of that plane into Xelestar. Initially, the demi-plane was constructed as a magickally neutral zone so that especially powerful individuals could parley free of violence. However, as it continued to succeed in this endeavor colorfully, Corelli broached the topic of creating a continent with his wife from scratch that they could govern as a safe haven for those "burdened by power". To gain citizenship to The Verdant Shroud, one must complete a series of rigorous examinations supervised by Emperor Corelli Shireshelli himself to prove that they are at once powerful and benevolent. The Verdant Shroud sees occasional attack in the form of armies hoping to enslave the city of presently pacifistic mages for their own benefit before realizing repeatedly that The Verdant Shroud is under an omnipresent anti-magic field by democratic choice of its inhabitants. Meaning that if, at any moment, a majority of The Verdant Shroud's citizens feel compelled to lower the neutral zone over the country's limits, The Emperor makes it so. Immediately alerting all of the country's inhabitants that a solitary threat (more severe than the sudden activation of magickal ability in hundreds of mages) has occurred. The Verdant Shroud has yet to see any significant pushes for a second style of governance, which is perhaps unsurprising as it's entire population was diligently vetted by their monarch.
  For the reasons above, the majority of inhabitants of The Shroud are either members of The Ash'razim, Tiefling, or in some other way transformed by Proximitive Apotheosis.
Notable Members


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