Corelli Shireshelli Character in Xelestar | World Anvil
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Corelli Shireshelli

Corelli Aggrin Niiko Valihran Montellus Shireshelli is a Drakari Dark Priest and one of the few mortal masters of Green Magick. He is the son of Lord Aggrin Shireshelli and the grand-son of Valihran Shireshelli. Additionally, he is the brother of  Keynarri Shireshelli and Melorran Volnarr.   This is a spoiler for the campaign "Antimyth". Please do not click this spoiler tag if you are a member of this campaign.
He is the husband of Waverly Aulder, follower of her in the form of the Dread Angel Walariel, and father of Oliviére Shireshelli and Morgan Shireshelli . The two initially met through a fateful encounter in which Corelli attempted to fell and subjugate a celestial as an unwilling source of divine power, at the same time that Walariel sought to temporarily relinquish her divinity so as to live among the flora and fauna she had so tirelessly protected for millennia. He is also known as the Lord of Snakes as he will commonly summon serpent spirits from The Feywilds to carry out small errands ever since his time as an Necromancy professor at The Amethyst Arcanum.Shortly after marrying Waverly, the two would construct the pseudo-continent, known as The Verdant Shroud, of which Corelli would become The Emperor. After stabbing his father in the chest with a conjured knife of gold, Corelli Shireshelli connected to the remnant of Synor that continued to thrum from within Lord Aggrin Shireshelli's heart, beginning his second Proximitive Apotheosis (the first of which began shortly after his marriage to Waverly). Using this sudden rush of Magick, he would create a dimension to parley with Sestris, forming the first mortal-deity connection to The Nascent God of Magick since Abnur Arkannon stumbled upon a fallen piece of his crystalline form. This pocket dimension would eventually be expanded into the floating land mass now known as The Verdant Shroud. As Emperor of the Dusklands, Corelli wears a mask that covers the entirety of his face forged from the melted fragments of his father's crown that he took after killing him. Over the centuries the mask has transitioned from a resplendent gold to a sickly, sour green. This has inspired some of the more courageous opponents to Corelli's rule to begin calling him "The Tarnished One".


Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Lord of Snakes" "The Master of Rings"


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